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subject: Child Behavior Books - Selection Criteria To Help You Choose the Best [print this page]

Child Behavior Books - Selection Criteria To Help You Choose the Best

When we are looking for really good child behavior books, we need to keep a few things in mind. First we need to look at the reviews and then assess whether this could really solve our child behavior problems.

I was very interested to read Robert McKenzie's book called Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child: Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries . This book really is an eye opener because it focuses first and foremost on parents' behavior and how that can exacerbate and sometimes even fuel the flames of bad behavior in a child.

That really was a surprise for me and taught me a lesson or two. Dr.McKenzie takes us through the whole concept of actually putting the consequences of bad behavior into practice and being consistent. Another surprising fact is that my instructions were totally off the wall. I was not making myself clear at all and leaving loopholes for kids to test me. I was inviting them to question me, clarify and even bargain with me. I was so relieved to learn what to say and what not to say the next time a particular situation arose.

Another thing I look for in child behavior books, is how handy they are to use for quick reference when your kids are climbing the walls and you are desperate. You need a quick accurate reference with some quick fixes, preferably in bullet points so you do not waste any time at all in wading through the theory!

That was exactly what I found in The Pocket Parent which helps us to deal with some challenging behavior. We might be confronted with an episode of biting or hitting a sibling, using bad language or whining. This book tells us exactly what to do especially on how to think for a moment before we actually get embroiled in an argument with our children.

The best of all the child behavior books is one which is written by a parenting coach, a parent and who also is a child psychologist. The book I am recommending below is excellent in that it includes a bonus which gives you no less than seven alternatives to punishment.It also explains very clearly why children misbehave and how we parents can lessen the effects by behaving well ourselves!

Why not give this book a try. The author has considerable experience in parenting in both her job and in her family life and knows what exactly parenting really involves. That is why I have selected this as the best of all the child behavior books I have mentioned in this article.

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