subject: Be Wiser: Buy a Vaporizer [print this page] Be Wiser: Buy a Vaporizer Be Wiser: Buy a Vaporizer
If you are intelligent enough to know about the many benefits herbal remedies can provide to your body, mind and spirit kudos to you! But, did you know that you can further increase herbal bliss by experiencing the ultimate of herbal consumption methods through the use of a vaporizer? Be wiser: buy a vaporizer the most natural method of consuming herbs in their purest forms.
Vaporizers v. Smoking
There are many reasons why herbal vaporizers are preferred over smoking:
Smoke causes irritation to the nose and throat inhaling vapors is much gentler.
Smoke causes respiratory diseases and cancer which may lead to death. Inhaling vapors, on the other hand, is much healthier for the body than smoking.
Smoke contains harmful chemicals that vapors do not.
There is a combustion factor in smoking which means that many of the flavors in herbs are burnt away in the process of smoking.
Most people who smoke feel powerless to stop which causes feelings of shame and guilt. Since inhaling vapors is much healthier than smoking, this sense of depression does not accompany it as it does smoking.
Vaporizers v. Capsule-Forms of Herbs
There are also many reasons why herbal vaporizers are preferred over capsule-forms of herbs:
Capsules take longer to affect the body than does the use of an herbal vaporizer especially when a portable vaporizer is used (a device that can be carried around and used anytime, anywhere for quick inhalation of the vapors of herbs).
The inhalation of vapors is much more relaxing than swallowing a giant pill or capsule. Breathing has a natural therapeutic relief itself that gulping a capsule down does not have.
Capsules may also upset the stomach, since their coating requires breakdown by stomach acids whereas vaporization goes straight to the lungs and is distributed through the body by blood vessels.
In addition to these benefits, vaporizers are also a better choice because unlike smoking or swallowing capsules that contain herbs using a vaporizer does not completely destroy the herbs themselves. This means that they may be used over again in recipes for cooking and baking allowing the herb to be used in even more ways. Clearly, buying a vaporizer is the best choice in deed.
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