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subject: Elope to Italy ! A Romance Castle Fairytale Wedding near Rome [print this page]

Elope to Italy ! A Romance Castle Fairytale Wedding near Rome

Elope to Italy ! A Romance Castle Fairytale Wedding near Rome

Elope to Italy ! Symbolic Wedding or Renewal of Wedding Vows at Castle Odescalchi Lake Bracciano

The perfect fairytale setting for your Wedding in Italy ! Italy Italian Weddings is proud to offer a fairytale setting for a unique Symbolic Wedding with professional Wedding Celebrant atCastle Odescalchi Lake Bracciano just 30 minutes from Rome.

We have made up some standard offers that can be personalized adding extra services, (as a personal photographer, videographer, flowers, a romantic suite in a medieval palace near the Castle, a candle-lit dinner for just the two of you,and etc). Contact us for more information,complete yourRequest Form.

SILVER - Special Offer if booked by 30th April 2011!

Symbolic Wedding Ceremony in the Tower of the Castle

Professional Wedding Celebrant to perform your Wedding ceremony in English or in French or in Italian or in Russian

Tower lit with medieval torches

Italian white sparkling wine for toasts

Soft music background

Bookings and agency fees included


Symbolic Wedding Ceremony in the Tower of the Castle

Professional Wedding Celebrant to perform your Wedding ceremony in English or in French or in Italian or in Russian

Tower lit with medieval torches

Italian white sparkling wine for toasts

Soft music background

Around 20 digital pictures on one CD in high resolution

Bookings and agency fees included


Symbolic Wedding Ceremony in the Tower of the Castle

Professional Wedding Celebrant to perform your Wedding ceremony in English or in French or in Italian or in Russian

Tower lit with medieval torches

Italian white sparkling wine for toasts

Soft music background

Around 20 digital pictures on one CD in high resolution

Bookings and agency fees included

Transfer from Rome to Bracciano and return by antique/vintage car with personal driver

Italy Italian Weddings will take care of all details and assist you for your truly romantic experience in Italy !
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