subject: Weight Loss is a Joke and Stretch Marks Suck! [print this page] Weight Loss is a Joke and Stretch Marks Suck!
So, here's my article from the heart.
I had stretchmarks at 12 years old. Mama told me it was from a growth spurt that I took. All I knew was that it was so embarrassing and ugly. I would try to hide them when changing for P.E. I guess that's when I started learning to be ashamed of my body. Looking back now, I can say that I was not fat or overweight. I was actually kind of cute. (I weighed 131)
Then I got pregnant at 16. I gained EXACTLY 50 pounds with my bundle of joy. She weighed 8 .lbs 2 oz and I weighed 182 when I came out of the hospital. I weighed more than I did before I had her. But I had my beautiful, precious baby girl and I would lose my weight, right?
Three years later, I am down to 128. Looking good, feeling good and I knew it. It's probably the best I have ever looked but it was so short lived. I weighed 128 for about 3 months. My husband and I took my daughter to the beach and I actually wore a bikini. It was there at Carolina Beach that I found out I was pregnant again.
I gained, yet again, EXACTLY 50 pounds. I had another precious little girl that weighed 7 .lbs 6 oz. and I weighed 178 when we left the hospital. There again, I would lose my weight, right?
I am now 38 years old, I'm not pregnant and I weigh more than I have ever weighed in my life. I feel worse physically and I look horrible. I'm not only overweight, I'm getting old and wrinkled on top of it. My stretchmarks are still here, they aren't going nowhere and I don't know if I'll ever look good again. I don't know if I'll ever feel like I look good again and that's really scary and depressing.
But, I do plan on doing something about it. I hate exercise and I am not very active. So what I am going to do is follow a meal plan that I found and see how that goes for me. For updates, just go to my blog.
Good luck to us all
*This article was written because all the marketing gurus say that writing articles is a great way to get your blog or site noticed on the net. But the problem is I couldn't write lies to market my products and it wouldn't have been from the heart. What I have written here is true and I hope that things will change for me on this new meal plan I am trying.*
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