subject: New Ways to Buy Canvas Art [print this page] New Ways to Buy Canvas Art New Ways to Buy Canvas Art
Buying canvas art used to be a matter of going to a gallery and choosing whatever was on display there in other words, whatever the gallery owners had deemed good enough to be there. Naturally enough, many artists and consumers of art felt that this method of art supply and art buying was a little one sided with patrons of the arts unable to make their own informed decisions on the kinds and types of artwork they wished to have in their homes. With the advent of the Internet, the ways in which you can buy canvas art changed dramatically. Now, you can choose according to your own preferences, the dimensions and colours of your home anything by which you feel that your choice of art will be enhanced.
The sites that have made this revolution possible are spear headed by the rather wonderful Art2Arts, which began with the founder of the site starting work as a single artist selling her own work and has grown to become one of the most trusted online art dealers in the United Kingdom. Art lovers can search the site exhaustively and are able to filter their searches in a number of different ways ensuring that they can buy canvas art according to favoured artists; according to size; according to style; and even according to colour.
An offshoot of this new method of sourcing and buying art is the commission. The commission of art works used to be a reasonably common thing and indeed is how we have come to know some of the greatest art works in the world. Commission based painting fell out of fashion and favour as the galleries took over the role of arbiter of taste often arbitrating according to the tastes of the people who had commissioned the pieces they now displayed on their walls.
Well, now the commission is back, it is a delightful way to buy canvas art. For a deposit of half the final cost of a painting, any net user or art buyer is able to develop a brief for an artist, which is undertaken according to any instructions the buyer cares to give. These can be as loose as a simple prevalent colour or as tight as an exact description of the subject matter and style of the painting.
By commissioning original canvas art in this way, the art purchaser is able to buy canvas art in a way that ensures total satisfaction and that allows modern artists to work in much the same way as their predecessors. Thanks to the enlarged audience that the Internet has made possible, the artist is able to work as those old artists used to developing a fame of his or her own and accepting commissions based on people's liking of his or her work.
It's a long way on from the gallery model and at the same time it's taken us back to the way that art used to be made and bought. Any true art lover will welcome the opportunity not only to buy canvas art in this way, but to have an active role in determining the way that art is thought of.
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