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Homes and Businesses Go Cold

Homes and Businesses Go Cold
Homes and Businesses Go Cold

This year, more than a half of all households have gone without heating for long periods of time due to the rising energy costs. Businesses have either chosen to keep warm and rue the decision when the bills have come flooding in and dented their profits, or have followed suit and left employees very much in the cold.

In both domestic and corporate settings energy has started to be rationed, despite the fact that this winter has been one of the coldest on record. With less heating and colder weather, people have been finding that this has been one of the toughest winters in memory, and not because of all the snow and icy roads as the media chose to focus on, but instead because of our ability to keep warm.

However, many people are choosing to turn the heating off instead of looking for cheaper alternatives. Renewable energy is still surprisingly low on takers despite the savings that people would see in the long run.

Likewise very few people think about simply changing their provider and in turn saving not only enough money so that they can actually afford to keep warm, but possibly even saving money on top of that.

It is not just households that would benefit. Very few companies will use energy consultants to compare the costs of business gas and electricity, but doing so would see them not only keep their offices as fully heated as possible, but also in many cases increase profits at the same time.

Many people have been choosing to stick to just one or two rooms in their houses when it is cold, and businesses are finding that they are having to cut back on many important things simply because overheads are increasing. Using energy consultants to compare business gas and even domestic energy costs will undoubtedly mean you don't have to suffer in the cold.

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