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Choosing the Right Hair Color

Choosing the Right Hair Color
Choosing the Right Hair Color

If you have always thought about coloring your hair but were worried about choosing the right color, there is no need to wait any longer. By understanding a bit about your hair type, as well as what you wish to have your hair look like after coloring, you can comfortably make a decision on the right color for you. Prior to going into the salon, take a little time and consider the following points to help you get just the look you want.

Unless of course, you are a teenager wanting to make a crazy statement, you have to give consideration to what works with your complexion. Women with olive skin tones will not generally manage to pull off a platinum blonde color. The unnatural look leads to the look of both hair and skin color to suffer.

You will also have a problem with your clothing consequently. Apparel colors that are complementing to your natural hair color and skin might appear garish, or wash out your beautiful tone. For the most beautiful result, select a hair color within the brunette tones. Hair shades which have a tendency towards the dark-reddish are stunning on women with an olive complexion.

If the change you want includes coloring all your hair, do you want to have one color or do you wish to have many colors or tones in your hair? A straight, one color process is often called monochromatic color, whereas a variety or multicolor treatment includes the addition of highlights, lowlights or both.

You'll then want to determine if you have warm or cool undertones. If you have paler, more translucent skin, without much redness or flush, you are a cool tone. Usually cool tones have almost a bluish tinge to them - which comes from apparent veins under paler skin. If you are a bit more flush, with pink or gold undertones, olive-like skin, or freckles, you are known as a warm tone. Warmer-toned women usually do not have translucent skin and are more prone to tanning naturally in the summer time. If you're having difficulty determining your tone, start with a blank canvas by tucking your hair under a cap and donning a plain white shirt.

If you are unsure if a new hair color is for you semi-permanent hair color will allow you to test a new look without being stuck with it. Semi permanent color washes out in a few weeks and is a good way to determine if a particular shade will look good on you. Just make sure not to color your hair too many times when searching for the perfect shade because this can damage your hair.

Do you know what the difference between cold and warm colors is? Or example, if your skin is dark, it means that it has a warm color and that coloring your hair in blond would be inappropriate. If your skin has cold tones, then you should color the hair in light blonde, light brown or golden brown. If your eyes are green or blue, red, auburn, and strawberry blond are great choices for your hair. If your skin is dark or medium, with warm tones, you can choose between honey blond, golden blond, cinnamon, caramel blond, light brown, black and chocolate brown or dark blonde.

The best hair colors are ones that match or compliment your skin tone. Colors that are a shade lighter than your natural hair color are usually not too light but will add a lot of dimension to your look. If you are determined to go very light or blonde but blonde does not suit your skin tone, you can still accent your hair color with light highlights and low lights to achieve a lighter look that still compliments your skin tone.

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