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The Tower of London: a monument of English history

The Tower of London: a monument of English history

Arguably one of the most charming cities in the world, London is a city of character and style. Although much activity takes place with regard to business here in London, there seems to be an air of peacefulness even in the heart of the business district. Travellers on a sightseeing tour of London will find much to admire which will include plenty of magnificent architectural sites.

Located on the northern bank of the Thames River in central London, the Tower of London is one of the most frequented historic landmarks in the city. Constructed in 1066 by William the conquer during the Norman Conquest of England, the White Tower is quite an imposing sight to behold which is also the structure the main feature of the attraction. The white tower is 27 meters tall and consists of three floors.

The Tower of London played a significant role in English history. Although the castle is thought to have been used as a prison for quite a while it was later utilized as a residence for royalty, a treasury and public records office. Today the Tower of London is one of the country's most popular tourist attractions and is also used as an armory, and is the home of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Today the tower of London is run by an independent charity and is does not receive any funding from the government or crown. The site is one of the most sought after tourist attractions with nearly 2.4 million tourists visiting it in 2009. It was also named a World Heritage Site in 1988.

A London apartment hotel that is conveniently located in close proximity to London's financial district is St. Marks London. With fully-equipped kitchens and high ceilings that result in spacious and private living making this apartment complex the ideal London Long Stay Apartments. Apartments maybe booked only for a minimum stay of 7 nights. St. Marks London also offers a variety of state of the art facilities for its guests.

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