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Have a Clear Out and Make Money From it

Have a Clear Out and Make Money From it
Have a Clear Out and Make Money From it

Over time everyone, no matter how careful they are, can end up collecting clutter and various items that they'll never use, such as clothes that don't fit, books, children's toys, and inappropriate gifts from well-meaning but otherwise clueless acquaintances. But a treasure trove could be waiting in your cupboards, under the stairs, in the attic, in the spare room, or anywhere else that you've stuffed your unwanted belongings. So if you want to get rid of them, here are a few tips for what to do.

Be Ruthless

When it comes to clearing out your home, the clue is in the title: be as ruthless with your belongings as you can. If that pair of jeans hasn't fitted you for five years, and you've been keeping them in the hope that you'll lose weight, or magically grow a few inches, get rid of them, it's the only way to stop them taking up precious space in your home. So take everything out of its hiding place, and sort out what you need, what you want, and what you don't use.

Make Them Presentable

No matter what you're planning to do with your stuff, whether you want to sell it at a car boot sale, sell in on Ebay, or give it away to a charity shop, it's important to give everything a clean before you do so, because no one wants to buy dirty items, do they? Give the clothes a quick wash and iron, and make sure other items, such as books, DVDs and ornaments are clean and free from damage, as this may help you get a higher price for them.

Sell, Sell, Sell.

Once everything you need to sell is ready, get it out there, take good pictures of the items if you're selling them online, and take into account any costs of posting your items to potential buyers. Once you've sold what you don't need, you may find that you've managed to get some money to put toward something you really want, such as home improvements or a summer holiday, so get selling, and you could reward yourself for all your hard work later.

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