subject: Money is an Idea [print this page] Money is an Idea Money is an Idea
The reason money is an idea is because, we have learned from our parents about money. The opinions they had about money and not the facts about money.
As children the only thing we know about money is what our parents told us and pretty much thatwas their opinion. Our parents got their opinions about money from their parents and so forth and so on. So why dont we learn the facts about money, its simple we are lazy and pretty much believe what we hear , and we do not try to due our diligence to invest the facts about money.
We do not have the discipline to due dilligence for what we hear, we just hear something and believe it. And why would we invest something our parents have told us, they are our parents and they know what they are talking about right? well thats wrong. Most of our parents do not have a clue about money this is why they work for money and tell us to work for money as well.
Truthfully this is only our parents opinion of money, because money can work for you and you dont have to work for money. Have your parents ever said that to you? I know my parents did not. They told me to go to school and get good grades soI can get into a good College and get a Job with benefits. Than after that im on my own.
See we have to come up with a better plan than the one our parents have for us. If we dont we will pass the same plan on to our kids and the medicority will never end.
I named this article money is an idea because we have to see money in our mind first and than in our hands. Robert Kiyosaki states in the Book the Cash Flow Quadrant " If money is not first in your head, it will not stick to our hands".
If you think about money you will get money and if think of others ways to get money besides your job, you will attract money.
Money is attracted to people that know how to use it and treat it. Money is to be saved and shared and invested. If you make money and spent every penny you get it impossible for you to keep money orinvest money, or even save money, you will never have money.
I have investigated the facts about money, learning from Robert Kiyosaki and Mike Dillard and Micheal Maloneyand I am creating another way to make money and its called internet marketing, I having money working for me andI will teach my children the same thing. Invest their money, save their money and share their money with others. If I did not due my dilligence about money guess whatI would still be working for money and I would not have learned to have money working for me.
The old ways ofthinking about moneyis dead and many people pensions are dead as well with this old money idea. Start to get facts about money and not just opinions about it.
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