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Runescape Money

Runescape Money
Runescape Money

The Unofficial Runescape Guide to Making Money!

Chapter 1 ----------- Getting Started with Mad Cow

Chapter 2 ----------- Turning 34,000gp to 1,000,000gp

Chapter 3 ----------- Behind Steel Bars

Chapter 4 ----------- Running Newts

Chapter 5 ----------- Running Fly Fishing Rods

Chapter 6 ----------- Wine of Zamorak

Chapter 7 ----------- Running Raw Chickens F2P

Chapter 8 ----------- Running Raw Chickens *Members Only*

Chapter 9 ----------- Boom! Cannonballs can make you rich! *Members Only*

Chapter 10 --------- Snape Grass *Members Only*

Chapter 11 ---------- Bow Strings and Flax *Members Only*

Chapter 12 ---------- Skills that can Make you Rich

So this is the chapter of runescape money guide. If you read whole guide you will know all.

Chapter 1 Getting started with Mad Cow

You begin the game in Lumbridge, so that is where we will start.

Step 1.

First thing to do is go to the bank and deposit all your items except your gold.

(The bank in Lumbridge is on the top floor of Lumbridge castle.)

Step 2.

Head to the cow field. (It is north-east of the city. Leave the castle and cross the bridge.

Head north and you will see a field to the east where there are cows.) There should be

several people there building up their experience by attacking the cows. That's okay for

them, but you just want the hides. (Don't worry the cows will not attack you unless you

attack them.) Pick up as many hides as you can. If no hides are around because everyone

is picking them up before you do, simply world-hop to a another world.

Step 3.

Once you have a full inventory of cow-hides (and your gp's), go to the toll gate south of

the cow-field and pay the 10 gp toll to pass. Travel south toward the bank in Al-Khalid.

Just north of the bank is the tanner named Ellis. Talk to him and turn your cowhides into

leather. Now continue on to the bank and deposit all of your leather.

Repeat Steps 2 and 3 eight times and you should have 27x8=216 leather.

Step 4.

Withdraw your leather in note form and take it to the Grand Exchange.

Sell your leather for 160 gp's each. 216x160= 34,560 gp's

Note. If you do not know where the places are that we talk about in this guide, you can find

a world map in the game.

This is just a first Chapter is you want to read whole guide so you need to download first . By the way thanks for the read my articles...


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