subject: 4 Points to Consider When Choosing Your Online Dating Profile Photos [print this page] 4 Points to Consider When Choosing Your Online Dating Profile Photos
The pictures you choose to add to your online dating profile are an integral part of your internet dating success, so it pays huge dividends to take a little time to make sure you get the most out of them. Here are 4 points to consider when doing so:
The first thing to remember when choosing your profile pics is that women pay a lot more attention to the little things than men do. And while you don't have to be hot, you do have to be well groomed.
Pluck your eyebrows to shape them, and be especially careful to get rid of strangling hairs below your main eyebrow line. If you have nose hairs sticking out of your nose, for God's sake cut them. Same with hairs growing out of our ears or from any molesget rid of them. If your picture shows your neckline, shave the hair on the back of your head that trails down your neck. Make sure your face is clean and moisturized. Yeah, I know some of this should go without saying, but you'd be surprised what guys overlook.
Your own worst critic:
Second, you're probably not as bad looking as you think you are. Most of us are our own worst critics. I have a disfigured ear from years of fighting, my nose is crooked from being broken, I have scars on my face from cuts. I have a mono-brow that I have to pluck every other day at minimum. I'm starting to get old people' spots on my face and I have a healthy mole on the side of my nose, which even without the mole is bulbous and sprawls across my face when I smile. Women don't seem to notice any of this, or it doesn't seem to matter. I still get an average of one wink, open, or email every day.
Opting for a real photoshoot:
Third, with the help of a decent photographer, you can look 5 years younger and 15 pounds lighter. You can pay a pro to take your picture, or if you live in a university town, you can find a student who is willing to do it for cheap; maybe even nothing. If you go on craigslist and look for a photographer (or if you post your own ad), you can often find someone willing to do a shoot with you just for the experience and the addition to their portfolio. At the very least you should get it at a quarter of the price you'd have to pay a pro.
Cheating with a photo-editor:
Last but not least, Photoshop and other photo editing programs are a gift. Use them to take the bags out from under your eyes, soften your wrinkles, and clear up your zits. Don't go overboard--you don't want to false advertise. But making yourself look as good as you do on your best day is fair. It's not like you always have dark circles under your eyes and a pimples on your forehead, so get rid of them in your pictures.
These all may seem like no-brainers, but again, you'd be surprised what guys overlook. Follow these steps and you'll be that much closer to meeting the woman you've been searching for.
Until next time,
JT Pierce is a wold-renowned dating coach who helps guys succeed with women both on and offline. For more tips, go to
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