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Ectopic Pregnancy: Learning the Basics

Ectopic Pregnancy: Learning the Basics
Ectopic Pregnancy: Learning the Basics

Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself somewhere other than the lining of the uterus. Typically, damage may occur to the reproductive organs and the egg cannot survive under these conditions. Ectopic pregnancy may even be fatal because of excessive blood loss.

Causes of ectopic pregnancy may include excessive scar tissue and damage to the fallopian tube. Risks of ectopic pregnancy include:

Inflammation or infection: Women who have pelvic inflammatory disease, a sexually transmitted disease or endometriosis are at a higher risk;

A previous ectopic pregnancy;

Structural issues with reproductive organs, especially the fallopian tubes; and

Use of IUDs or birth controls.

What to Look For - Symptoms

Usually, this condition has signs that are identical to a normal pregnancy such as a missed period, nausea and fatigue.

When taking a pregnancy test, the results may even show positive. In most cases, however, this type of pregnancy does not have early signs or symptoms at all. Symptoms generally occur later in the pregnancy and include:

Light vaginal bleeding;

Lower abdominal pain; and

Cramping on one side of the pelvis.

If the fallopian tube ruptures, symptoms may include:

Sharp, stabbing pain in the pelvis, abdomen, or even the shoulder and neck;



The Mayo Clinic recommends calling 911 for emergency help when your symptoms have escalated to:

Severe abdominal pain;

Heavy vaginal bleeding;

Shoulder pain;

A strong urge to defecate without results; and

Extreme light-headedness, fainting or shock.

How is the problem handled?

Doctors will perform the necessary tests before concluding what your problem is. Once an ectopic pregnancy is found, the fertilized egg has to be removed. It cannot survive outside of the womb and can cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs if left undisturbed. Depending on what stage of the pregnancy, doctors can use a drug injection or surgery to remove the fertilized egg.

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