subject: How to make money for kids 2 [print this page] How to make money for kids 2 How to make money for kids 2
You can make money in various ways, but three come to mind immediately:
by stealing (or through dishonest means)
by working for someone else
by working for yourself.
How to make money for kids start small grow big with your own business
If you work for somebody else (i.e. get a job) then he she will pay you to make profits for him her, why not work for yourself instead? Can I hear you say: "because I can't do anything?" Really? Have you learned nothing in your life so far, perhaps at home or at school, or at college? You don't need a Ph.D. before you can do something, despite what some might have you believe!
How to make money for kids have an action plan
There are things that you can do that will be helpful to others. You have just got to have an action plan. How about this for a start:
think about what you can do and make a list (e.g. clean windows)
from this list identify what somebody might appreciate you doing for them
list the names of all the people you know who might appreciate this
go and offer to do it for the most person most likely to accept first, quoting how much
go through your list doing the same (you are likely, before long to earn a lot more this way, than working for an employer at student rates and you deserve to because you have shown initiative and been enterprising, which are rare and valuable qualities)
How to make money for kids action learning
The best way to learn is often by doing. If you start doing something, it will not be long before you get going and as you go, you will realise what you need to do to change the way you are doing things to provide a better service and earn more. Don't be afraid of failure, there are few teachers as good as failure' and many of the most successful entrepreneurs have learned along the way from multiple failures. Nothing ventured nothing gained. To quote Henry Ford, one of the world's greatest Entrepreneurs: "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it".
How to make money for kids begin with the right attitude?
A lot of this really comes down to attitude. You need to have an uncommon attitude. You need to train yourself to be different to most people in this respect; fortunately you probably won't find much competition. Be the student that pays their way through university rather than the one who relies on others or builds up a debt. Take responsibility, show initiative prepare your character to be like that of those who make a lot of money through honest enterprise. If you think the world owes you a living, and you act like it, then best you move to a welfare or socialist state where you will learn otherwise. If on the contrary you train yourself to take initiative, before long, you'll be able to craft a good living for yourself and help others to do so too. You'll become part of the solution to one of the World's biggest problems, rather than part of the problem. In this life there are basically two types of people: givers and takers. It is more blessed to give than to receive, so decide what you are going to be and act accordingly. Henry Ford said "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right".
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