subject: Qualifications For A Bonafied Marriage [print this page] Qualifications For A Bonafied Marriage Qualifications For A Bonafied Marriage
We all know what it means for a marriage to be considered legal or what it takes to be viewed as bound together in the eyes of the church. However, how many people stop and really think about what it means to be bonafied in their marriage?
Not a word you hear very often these days but the definition simply means made with an earnest intent or to make a decision in good faith. We all have best intentions when we are going through the hazy emotions of planning the event or looking forward to the honeymoon but what about the rest of those days that beckon ahead of us? Marriage is truly a responsibility to be taken seriously. Something is very wrong with modern society if we give more consideration to our joint cell plan then we do to our bonafide promise to love, honor and cherish.
With divorce lawyers in abundance hawking quick, easy and inexpensive divorce no wonder so many people treat marriage with such casual disdain. You pick up any tabloid or turn on reality television the celebrity couples make it look as easy as a snake shedding old skin for new. It may look easy but try telling to the many people with scars on their hearts. Not so easy to let go of a marriage especially after you've invested time and emotion into another person.
If you could set down face to face with celebrity couples and every day run of the mill people they will tell you that they wish they could do it all over again and learn how to make their marriage bonafied. You'll rarely hear a person voice regret over the marriage but what the divorce has done to them.
Are you in a resembling relationship wondering what is going to happen? First be rational about your supposition regarding the relationship. Don't make your spouse your be all and end all when it comes to happiness. Make sure you are emotionally fulfilled on your own as no one can totally rely on another for their complete happiness. Couples need their own sense of self sufficiency.
Genuine and mature love allows room for respect and reliability on the other without being suffocating. To a certain degree allow each other the freedom for outside interest as long as they do not violate the tenants of your marriage vows.
A well balanced marriage allows for room to grow and mature dependently as well in interdependently. Set the example that your children aspire to as they witness the value each spouse holds for the other and by doing so they learn in turn how to treat their future spouse. Little things like making good use of quality time is more important than ever in the lives of busy spouses. Cherish the love and respect your marriage represents.
Bonafied may be a Latin word long out of favor but when you stop and let the definition really sink into your heart then a marriage founded in good faith and with total honesty sounds like a word we need to put back into our vocabulary and if not the word itself then the practice of it.
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