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Wedding do's & don'ts & ViVa Tips
Wedding do's & don'ts & ViVa Tips

Wedding do's & don'ts: There are a few important that you do need to do when planning a wedding, like find the right wedding dress. That is the obvious. There are however a few things which you need to do, in order to have a successful and beautiful wedding, and there are some things that you mustn't do, or need not even worry about.

What you do need to do: Plan: Plan your wedding thoroughly, down to all the last little details. The best way to do this is to follow a wedding plan. Give yourself a "time line" in which you need to get bookings made, or fittings done by.

Budget: You don't always have to spend a lot of money to have a beautiful wedding. Sometimes, less is more, if done correctly. It can be very easy to overspend without even knowing that you are overspending. The best way to do this is to have a wedding budget for everything, from the wedding dress to the flowers.

What you don't need to do:

Don't rush: Don't rush into making any fast decisions. Take your time and make sure that the decisions that you make are good ones, especially when it comes to choosing professionals, such as photographers or caterers.

Cheap isn't always good: Hiring cheap professionals may not always be the right decisions. Some things are worth paying for. Remember, a picture can bring back amazing thoughts and memories, and a bad one will bring back nothing.

Assumption: Well we all know what they say about assumption. Always get everything in writing. This will only make things easier for you if anything should go away.

The guests: You don't have to invite every single person you have ever know to your wedding. Remember that this is your special day. Spend it with those people who mean the most to you and your spouse, and will make your wedding special for the two of you and your families.

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We also have strict abuse-prevention and reporting systems for those that do get through our screening systems.

1. Guard your anonymity, 2. Start slow Use emails initially,

3. Request for a photo, 4. Chat on the phone,

5. Meet when YOU are ready, 6. Meet in a safe place,

7. Watch for warning signs, 8. Beware of money scams

These are the tips from ViVethematchmaker. Using your own good judgment is your best bet because ultimately you are responsible for your personal experience. Trust your instincts and then move ahead with the right person!

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