subject: Your Heart is Breaking – Can You Save Your Marriage After He's Cheated? [print this page] Your Heart is Breaking Can You Save Your Marriage After He's Cheated?
Your heart is breaking. You just found out that the one thing you feared most for the sake of your marriage has happened. Thoughts are whipping around your mind at a thousand miles per hour. The one thought that you just can't shake though is this: are you a strong enough woman to save your marriage after he's cheated on you?
Don't sell yourself short. Cheating is something that takes a major toll on any marriage. The amazing thing is that the only thing that's really changed about your marriage from the moment before you found out about your husband's cheating and the moment after is the way you see your marriage.
Perhaps the question you need to ask yourself right now is if you even want to save your marriage now that you know your husband has cheated?
You see, he's still the man you love. He's still the man you married. The one thing you know now is that you have definitive proof that he is human. You've probably put him on a pedestal of sorts for years now and held him to a higher standard than the mere mortals that surround you both.
It's easy to do with the people you love most in the world. You believe your husband is an amazing man. His humanity often leaves you feeling disappointed and even let down. It really doesn't get much more human than cheating.
Can you love him despite the fact that he is human?
Can your marriage survive that unshakable fact now that it's staring you in the face? If you are willing to overlook his faults and flaws and he is willing to do the same for yours, there is no reason your marriage can't work.
Here's what you need to do.
Stop living in the past. It's time to turn your thoughts and attention to the future for your relationship. Don't let old arguments tear down new progress. Leave the past buried there and start building a bigger, better, and brighter future for your marriage.
Forgive your husband and yourself for being human. Oddly enough, this is the most difficult step for many people to make. When you're trying to save your marriage, this is a must.
You've got this! You can do this. I believe in YOU! The next step is that YOU have to start believing in yourself, your husband, and the strength of the love you have for each other.
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