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subject: Tummy Tuck Riverside - Bring Back Those Curves [print this page]

Abdominoplasty (in medical terms) is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves the surgical removal of extra skin or fatty tissue of the abdominal area (middle and lower abdomen). This type of cosmetic surgery is mostly sought by those who have sagging or loose tissues. This type of cosmetic procedure is quite popular in Riverside, California by women who just gave birth and wish to lose those excess tissues. This is also sought by people who just had a major weight loss or by those who have fatty tissues that wont go away.

The procedure of the cosmetic surgery varies from one tummy tuck Riverside procedure to another. Most tummy tuck Riverside surgeons perform this surgical process in various stages or subdivide them into various categories. A partial procedure of this cosmetic operation (or partial abdominoplasty) commonly is accomplished within 1-2 hours by a proficient tummy tuck Riverside surgeon while a full-length procedure of this cosmetic surgical procedure runs from 1 to 5 hours.

The length of this particular surgical operation or the abdominoplasty entirely depends on the type of operation the patient and the tummy tuck Riverside surgeon have agreed. This variety of cosmetic process can also be combined with other cosmetic surgery operations. It is one of the components (liposuction, breast reduction or breast augmentation) of a lower body lift cosmetic surgical process.

The recuperation time period of a patient who undergo this type of surgical process runs from 1 week to 1 month. Tummy tuck Riverside surgeons advise those who are recovering from the cosmetic process to take time off from their work and must also avoid any heavy activity. If the patient experience soreness and/or bruising during this time period, a specially made garment/device can ease up the bruising and swelling. Furthermore, nicotine of all forms must be avoided prior to the surgery and during the recovery phase.

The cost of this particular cosmetic procedure in Riverside depends on various factors. One must also take into consideration the expenses before, on, and after the operation (such as medicines and follow-up visits).

by: James K.

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