subject: Crown, Filling, Root Canal - No Waiting Period Dental Insurance [print this page] Crown, Filling, Root Canal - No Waiting Period Dental Insurance
If you do NOT have dental insurance and you currently need dental work done, such as fillings, extractions, crowns, root canals, or bridge work you may be looking at a bill that could cost you several thousand dollars. It is not uncommon for one crown or one root canal to cost 1000.00 dollars in the United States.
One of the biggest mistakes I made after college was going with out dental insurance. I had gone 2 years without a cleaning and then I went into the dentist and I needed 4 cavitites filled. Once I got the cavities filled, my teeth were fine for about 3 years. Then to my surprise I had tooth pain. I went in an there was a cavity under the filling, and it had gone deep. I needed a crown!
I got the crown done for $995. I kid you not, two weeks later a crazy pain developed in my jaw. I went back to the dentist and the crown had irritated the toot and I needed root canal. They drilled through my new crown and did a root canal and charged me $1200!
Here is the good news. Many people are surprised to learn that there are some excellent dental policies available that do cover major dental work right away. If you read further in this article I can help point you where to look so you can quickly get some inexpensive dental coverage. I am a licensed dental agent and there are two particular plans that are great sellers.
If your teeth are in great health and you do NOT need any instant work done, except for cleanings, you can visit United Dental Insurance. This site will give you options for traditional PPO dental insurance. It will cover crowns and root canals, but only after a waiting period.
First, if you need dental insurance now because you have dental work that needs to be done ASAP, then visit No Waiting Period Dental Insurance. From there you will be able to check rates and learn about the plans that will help you the best. Many choose the HumanaOne Dental Prepaid C550 plan because it has No waiting periods, No claims to file, and No annual maximums.
However, if your teeth are in great health and you do NOT need any instant work done, except for cleanings, you can visit This site will give you options for traditional PPO dental insurance. It will cover crowns and root canals, but only after a waiting period.
Lastly, one of the biggest difference in these plans is the 35.00 dollar application fee that is requested on the No Waiting Period Dental. The reason for this, is that it covers major dental work ASAP. Notice, the United Dental, does not have any application fee. Monthly premiums are similar on either plan.
For help dial 877-305-9083 and an agent can assist you.
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