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Online Diet Plans Versus Diet Books - Which is Better For Women?

Online Diet Plans Versus Diet Books - Which is Better For Women?

For a person who wishes to shed a few pounds and be thinner and fitter, there seem to be an endless range of options and methods these days. With hundreds of diet books in every major book store and countless more programs online, it's a difficult choice to make.

In fact, just thinking about whether a book is your best option or an online diet plan can be a difficult choice to make. Which should you choose?

To help you decide between a book and an online program, make sure to go over all the points in this article. It can make a significant impact on whether your weight loss efforts will succeed or fail.


Let's begin this comparison with how much it is going to be costing you. The price of a book generally moves between 10 to 20 dollars or so and you may even find some of them cheaper if they're in paperback and some time has passed since their initial publication. Online diet programs tend to cost more. Most plans sell for under $40 but you can also find other programs that go for as much as a $100 or even slightly higher. I'm only referring to information programs. There are online websites that charge a higher price.


You can't get any support for a book that you buy at a store. You never have any chance to ask any question of the author or anyone else. This is mostly not the case with online programs where you often have an online support system to which you can address your concerns and your questions. This is a big advantage that online programs have over diet books and one that can have a significant impact on your results.

Bonus material

Most online diet plans have more than a single ebook that they offer. Many of them offer additional resources such as bonus manuals, additional audios and so on. When it's time to determine the price of the program in comparison with that of a diet book that you can pick up at the store, it is worthwhile to keep these bonuses in mind.

Type of Media

We all know what books are made of: text. Some online programs are also made up of text but as it is digital, it is easier to carry it around with you and it doesn't take up space as a book does. In addition, online programs often have other types of media such as audio and video resources that make the entire program much richer. This should also be remembered when you're trying to find the right diet plan for you.

What If You Still Can't Lose Weight?

I know it can be depressing, but if you're upset because nothing has worked you need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

This method works fast and is very simple to do, the details are in the free report here: Brush Off The Pounds

I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well. Learn the trick for yourself by clicking the link before it's gone:

Never give up your dreams, you CAN have the body you deserve!

Sylvia Chan

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