subject: Injuries Caused by Weight Lifting - Important Things You Might Not Be Aware of [print this page] Injuries Caused by Weight Lifting - Important Things You Might Not Be Aware of
Where muscle toning and body sculpting is concerned, nothing beats weight training. Not only is it perfect for increasing strength, it also promotes weight loss by hastening metabolism even 24 hours after an intense workout session. But if you're not careful, weight training could become potentially injurious. Any exercise routine that uses free weights and machines can harm even the most seasoned weight lifter, particularly when it is done without utilizing the correct form or when heavier poundage is used without adequate preparation. Injuries caused by lifting weights are mostly avoidable by using foresight and common sense. For instance, if you are just beginning your foray into the world of weights, it's a fairly simple practice to work with a personal trainer who will guide you through the basics of proper form and technique. Wearing comfortable clothing and shoes with good traction are also necessary steps to take to help make your weight lifting sessions safer and more efficient. These are just some of the many things you can do to prevent a trip to the emergency room.One of the more common types of injuries caused by lifting weights is strains and sprains. This usually occurs when you attempt to lift weights that are heavier than what your body is prepared to handle. This also occurs when you use improper lifting techniques. This is the reason why it's always best to train with a certified fitness expert on your first few forays into the weight-lifting world. Repetitive training can also cause overuse injuries. This is the reason why you should never engage in weight training exercises for more than an hour and no more than two alternating days in a week. When you don't give your muscles a chance to recover fully by giving it a full rest from the trauma experienced, you do not only get the benefits of your weight training program, you also expose yourself to future injuries due to incompletely healed, hence, weaker muscle fibers.Stress fractures and tendinitis are also some examples of injuries caused by lifting weights. Children should also never be subjected to any form of weightlifting or bodybuilding regimen since this could severely injure their developing muscles and bones, giving rise to a number of health issues that are not only painful for the child but draining on the finances as well. Another type of injury that results from neglecting your warm up routine and plunging headlong into your weightlifting workout are severe back problems. While this can happen in one sweeping movement when you combine lack of warm ups and improper technique to your resistance training program, back injuries may also be developed over time with constant overuse and incorrect handling of free weights.As mentioned above, these types of injuries can be prevented. In addition to working out with a trainer and using good shoes and comfortable clothing, you can also prevent injuries caused by lifting weights by knowing your strength capacity. Never lift more than you are able to handle. Warm up for 10 minutes with aerobic and stretching exercises before setting your hands on lifting the weights. Cool down afterwards as well. By following these simple rules, you avoid these injuries that could prevent you from enjoying the benefits of exercising with free weights.Want to avoid weight lifting injuries? Read our detailed Bodylastics reviews and find out how Bodylastics can help you get absolutely ripped without expensive exercise equipment.
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