subject: Is the cheapest auto insurance actually saving you money? [print this page] Is the cheapest auto insurance actually saving you money?
So you went on-line and got a great rate on your auto insurance. Wow, this was so easy. I know the company name and it's a big company and I will be protected if I have an auto accident right? Well maybe not. You see the cheapest auto insurance rate doesn't mean you have protected yourself.
Well why would an insurance company sell me something that is not protecting me fully? They sold you what you asked for. If you have a car accident and the wrong coverage it's your fault not theirs. After all, you chose those coverage's. You see, you want a great car insurance rate, but do not want to pay too much. If you are focused on the bottom line you may be leaving yourself exposed. In many cases for a couple of dollars month more you can get triple the coverage. For example you have a policy with $30,000 bodily injury per accident with $60,000 total for all injuries. Now for $11 more per six months you could have carried 100/300, but you did not know this. No one told you.
Why would the insurance company not tell you this? Well why would they want to have 3 times the exposure in an accident for just $11 more per six months. You see in this fast paced world where we are all experts because we did a Google search and found the answer, we do not need a professionals input. I do not mean the entry leave person at the end of a 800 number, I mean a licensed professional that has been in the business longer than a year. We all want the cheapest auto insurance rate, but sometimes the best car insurance rate is the best coverage for the money.
So remember the next time you are looking for the best insurance rate or cheapest coverage remember price is not everything. Consider the whole picture and find out what you need and then find a balance between the best rate and the cheapest rate. Take the time to call a professional that can take a look at your needs and budget and get you the coverage that you need. Who known's maybe you find both.
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