subject: Making Money Online - Can You Handle The Truth? [print this page] Making Money Online - Can You Handle The Truth?
Can You Handle The Truth?
Okay, here it goes... making money online is hard. It's dead hard.
I bet you're shocked to he me say that as you've no doubt been told by so many "gurus" that it's easy and can be done with a few clicks of your mouse and five minutes per day. In case you haven't realized already, these people simply tell you call that rubbish just to get you to buy whatever it is they're flogging... which is usually some shockingly useless piece of dodgy software or an ebook full of rehashed, outdated techniques that simply don't work anymore.
There are 3 things you certainly need when it comes to making money online.
Here they are...
1. You need your own website
That's right, if you want to make any serious amounts of money online then you need to have your own website, it's that simple. Now with this you have two options. You can either take the time to learn how to build and run your own websites or you can pay some web design company a ridiculous amount of money to build one for you. The problem with this though is the fact that you will always have to rely on them to make any changes/updates to your website. So what happens if you want to make a super important change on a holiday or the weekend? Well... you're screwed. Simple as that.
So what's it going to be... are you willing to learn how to build and run your own website? If you're like most people then you probably said "no" and that's fine because I have a solution to your problem... so keep reading.
2. You need your own product
Again, you've probably been told a million times that you don't need your own product to make money online. Yes, it is possible to make money without your own product but it's nothing compared to what you can make through selling your own product. So what type of product should you sell and how do you get your hands on one? The best kind of products to sell online are digital products. A digital product is anything that can be delivered online... such as software, ebooks or membership to a private website. Now with getting your own product you have two options - free or paid. The free option is to create the product yourself while the paid option is to outsource the work to someone else OR buy resale rights for product that is ready to go. Sounds like quite the task doesn't it? Again, it's okay because like I said before... I have a solution to your problem. So keep reading.
3. You need traffic for your website
So now you have your website setup, your product ready to go and your payment processor set to take orders for you. So now what? It's now time to start driving traffic (visitors) to your website... after all, you're not going to make many sales if nobody sees your website are you now? Once again, you have two options - free or paid. The free techniques can be just as effective as the paid but the problem is that they can hours and hours of tedious work to setup and maintain... are you willing to do that? I'm not, that's for sure. The other option is paid... where you simply pay to get visitors to your website. The only problem with this is the fact that you really need to know what you're doing or you'll end up losing a tonne of money - which I have seen plenty of people do... believe me.
So there it is, that's how you really make money online...
Are you willing to do it?
That's what I thought.
That's okay because here is the solution I have been talking about:
Here's the deal...
A few years ago I accidentally discovered an incredibly simple but powerful way to make money online that didn't involve any of things I have just talked about above.
That basically meant...
No selling, No advertising and No websites
Plenty of so-called "gurus" say it's not possible but hey... what do they know?
Click Here to check it out right now
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