subject: New Growth - spring 2011 [print this page] New Growth - spring 2011 New Growth - spring 2011
New growth spring 2011
With spring being here our thoughts often turn to getting out more in nature, longer days and more sunlight, and wishing to enjoy new growth internally as well as externally possibly the growth of plans seeded over winter-time or maybe the return of ideas, awareness and understandings that have returned from way-back-when. Gardens can be like that, suddenly one year something pops up that you had no idea was there. And then plants that we see and enjoy for their form can suddenly overwhelm us not so much as a bud for 20 years and here's a huge flowering. It appears that as a species we humans have the ability to bring though a sudden remembrance, an eruption of knowing and awareness. This can be about stuff we've experienced within our own lifetimes we suddenly get-it about fairies and nature spirits or just have to have a crystal maybe or it can be the return of a knowing and awareness from what we measure as ages before, healing from Atlantis, or suddenly clicking with Ganesh or having a heart to heart with Mary Magdalene for instance.
In the times we're living in we're conscious of new possibilities, new growth and also the return of understandings which have remained stubbornly out of reach- until now. Not before time too you might say and yep, we're much in need of ways in which we understand how to let go of all the life-negating stuff, like obfuscation, bullying, intimidation, manipulation and so forth. To let go and say hello to all the life-affirming and life-giving energies, like transparency, honesty, simplicity, community, justice, fairness.
In this coming golden age it's said we'll understand, we'll get the essence of what the Buddha was about internal peace alongside the understanding of what the prophet and healer Jesus was about the being divine and human - and be able to join those together within our own experience. i.e. bring them into our own lives and live the experience.
Because these things have been understood already it stands to reason that we can bring through the understanding ourselves. Like a sudden, magnificent flowering all of a sudden we get it an eruption of knowing and awareness.
Wishing you love and sunshine this spring. Declan x
Declan is the author of a few books, his latest "Finding Your Other Half" is available from bookshops and on-line retailers.
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