subject: Getting ProFollica Free Shipping - What You Need To Know [print this page] Getting ProFollica Free Shipping - What You Need To Know
Looking for ProFollica free shipping? I was too. Fact is there are many sites offering free shipping but unless they are buying at wholesale and reselling it cheaper then the manufacture there is no way to automatically get free shipping. I can show you how to get ProFollica with free shipping but there are a few things you need to be aware of first.
Don't fall for any site that offer you the shipping for free unless you are certain and I mean 100% certain it's free. Here's what happen to me.
The ProFollica Free Shipping Scam
You need to be very careful here because sites will tell you the shipping will be free and it won't be, not really and here's why. I bought my ProFollica from a discount site last year and they told me the shipping was free. Great!so I though.
As I am processing my order they ask me if I want to pay extra for the shipping to receive it faster, my eyebrow lifted. Pay extra for the free shipping?? The shipping was free if you live in the same state in the USA all others customers have to pay for the shipping.
Just like most consumers I figure I'm already to the order page so I may aswell continue with my order anyway, so I did and things got worst.
I typed in my address to have my ProFollica shipped to Canada WELL now that they know it's going to Canada, Chu Ching $$$$$. Shipping ProFollica to Canada should only cost around $12 total and they wanted to charge me $28.
So right off the bat not only do they advertise FREE SHIPPING and not give it they wanted to rape me for more money because I live in Canada.
Free just doesn't mean Free anymore does it. I hate this crap!!
How To Get ProFollica FREE SHIPPING
The real truth is you can get ProFollica with free shipping and free gifts by ordering more then just 1 or 2 kits. If you order a 6 month supply you can get FREE shipping anywhere in the USA and a 1 month supply of GenForce to try.
This is not an upsell rather it's to improve the success rate of the product because frankly, 30 days of use is just enough time to begin reversing follicle miniaturization and kick-start the cycle of hair regrowth.
It will likely take a minimum of 60 days for you to actually begin to SEE new hair coming in because remember regrowth occurs at an average speed of 1/2 inch per month.
Why I Chose ProFollica
After trying a few over the counter hair loss treatments nothing was working for me and I did use them just about everyday for 5 months each. My doctor prescribed Propecia but the sexual side effects were crazy, my libido dropped off to nothing. My advice, STAY AWAY from prescription medication for hair loss it just not worth it.
ProFollica For Receding Hairlines
When I read that ProFollica works on the receding hair line I was impressed because if you any research like I did you will see that most hair loss treatments are on the vertex of the scalp only and never the receding hairline.
Once you have an understanding of the role DHT plays in hair loss, you can quickly eliminate most of the hair loss shampoos, conditioners, and supplements you'll find sold on the Internet today.
Most of the other products on the market today do not deal with the #1 cause of hair loss which is excessive DHT production. Believe me they're a waste of good money and valuable time. Just think of how much time I wasted, in total it was about two years and four different products.
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