subject: How To Get Debt Free - Proven Ways To Get Out Of Debt [print this page] With today's economy reeling from the high prices of gasoline, food and everything else, it can be a little harder to become debt free but, it can be accomplished. With thousands of people loosing their homes to foreclosure, which by the way was their own fault because most of them bought more home then they could afford, not including those who where hit by a job loss or worst yet, health reasons. To people maxing out their credit cards just trying to survive. Is the economy really that bad? We feel that most of the problem is really not that bad due to the fact that there is a lot of political manipulation, being election year and all. That is not to say that there isn't a hint of inflation happening right now. Just look at all the prices for the basics such as bread, milk, meats and gasoline. People have been in debt since we began to barter and created currencies to exchange for things. The wise man always said, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." Those words are very powerful but, unfortunately, not many live by that today. We have been programmed to believe that in order to be successful in life, we have to accumulate physical products so that we may show others how successful we have become. In order for most of us, that means charging everything in sight! The problem is, that the majority of people get into debt very quickly and never really learn how to get debt free afterwards. The most basic idea to being without debt is to not en cure it at all. But, the life style that we have chosen and has been bombarded into our minds through media and our parents not fully explaining to the younger generation that it is much wiser to pay for things only if you can afford it! But, once you are in debt up to your eyeballs, what can you do? There are some very basic principals that one can follow to do just that. You need to understand one thing first and foremost. That being, that your income is the most powerful tool you have to erase the problem and build wealth. No matter how bad things are financially, you can do it. One of the basic steps in reducing your debt is to take all your credit card bills, personal loans etc., write them down from smallest to largest and attack the smallest one first with a vengeance. Then, when that one is paid off, you take those savings and use it towards the other one. Until you complete the cycle. There is a pain factor involved in learning how to get debt free, but if you are truly passionate about it, you can do it. Make the goal a passion, a deep desire to pay off everything. Attack it with as much aggression as you did when you thought about the time that you just had to have that car or home. Do not loose focus of your goal. Eat and breath the desire to learn how to be debt free. About the author: We can prove to you that there are programs out there that have a 97% success rate in dealing with debt reduction.
by: raj rao
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