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subject: Seagate overcomes 2TB Capacity Barrier by shipping 3TB Desktop Drive [print this page]

Seagate overcomes 2TB Capacity Barrier by shipping 3TB Desktop Drive

Seagate began shipments of the industry's most elegant, easy-to-install 3TB desktop drive, the Barracuda XT hard drive, a product that eliminates the need to purchase extra hardware or software to overcome the 2TB barrier. The Barracuda XT hard drive delivers the highest available capacity for home servers and workstations, high-definition video editing and production systems, high-performance PC gaming systems and desktop PCs.The Barracuda XT hard drive delivers the highest available capacity for home servers and workstations, high-definition video editing and production systems, high-performance PC gaming systems and desktop PCs.

The Barracuda XT hard drive with free Seagate DiscWizard software is a complete, easy-to-deploy solution. DiscWizard software makes it simple to configure the computer operating system and device drivers to access the full 3TB of capacity on legacy systems using Windows XP and PC BIOS and on personal computers equipped with newer versions of Windows or the new UEFI BIOS.

DiscWizard software makes it simple to configure the computer operating system and device drivers to access the full 3TB of capacity on legacy systems using Windows XP and PC BIOS and on personal computers equipped with newer versions of Windows or the new UEFI BIOS.The Barracuda XT hard drive epitomizes our commitment to providing end-user customers and PC manufacturers with the world's most advanced storage solutions.

"Seagate is squarely focussed on delivering the storage performance, capacity and innovation to ensure that technology transitions remain seamless for our customers," said BanSeng Teh, Senior Vice-President & Managing Director, Seagate Asia Pacific and Japan. "The Barracuda XT hard drive epitomizes our commitment to providing end-user customers and PC manufacturers with the world's most advanced storage solutions."

The Barracuda XT hard drive combines a 64MB cache that optimizes burst performance in cache-intensive applications such as PC gaming and nonlinear video editing with Serial ATA 6Gb/s - an interface that delivers the highest system throughput - to enable the highest performance available in a desktop hard drive. The 3.5-inch, 7200RPM drive's 3TB of storage capacity gives desktop PC users the most space ever available for videos, games, photos and files.

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