subject: Hypnotists Increase Your Success By Personalizing Your Sessions [print this page] Hypnotists Increase Your Success By Personalizing Your Sessions
One of the easiest ways to provide a personalized hypnosis session is to think of yourself as a "Feedback Mechanism" for the client. Through active listening during the intake and by asking 3 simple questions, your clients will provide you more than enough information to conduct completely customized sessions every time. I call these questions the Big 3 and when you begin using them in your sessions you will never need to worry about finding a hypnosis script again.
Question #1: "What are the top 3 things we need to focus on today to create success?"
The majority of my new clients come into the office with a laundry list of things they want to fix or change. I have found over the years that in a hypnosis session less is more and by narrowing the focus of the session it can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the suggestions. This first question forces the client to narrow their focus and pinpoint the most important areas to address during their session. The answers to this question can come in the form of a shift in behavior, a change in emotions, a reframe of limiting beliefs, or anything else related to the presenting problem. For example a smoking client might answer, "I need to feel confident about my decision, learn how to cope differently with work stress, and need to think about being a non-smoker in a positive way, not like I'm giving something up." Once you get the clients main focus areas you now know what you really need to address during the session to help them create a breakthrough.
Question #2: "What are the top 3 reasons WHY you want to succeed in this way?"
The "why" behind the goal is the most important element in achieving anything. If the "why" isn't strong enough then success will not be reached. In my opinion, this is one of the reasons why people stay stuck in their lives; they don't have a strong enough "why" so they don't take action. This question is the most important question I ask all of my clients for several reasons.
First, this question elicits the client's motivational strategy and helps me to determine whether they are towards or away from motivated. To oversimplify, towards motivation is the desire to move towards goals, rewards, and future outcomes. Away From motivation is the desire to move away from negative situations, pain, and problems. One motivational strategy isn't better than the other, but it is important to know so you understand how to structure your suggestions in your session to motivate new actions.
Second, this question elicits the motivational factors of the client. Once you know what drives your client then you know exactly what to focus on in your session to crank up their passion, desire, and motivation to create success.
Finally, this question gets the clients mind moving in a positive direction by focusing on why this is important to them. A mind in motion tends to stay in motion and this positive mindset is exactly what I want my clients to have going into their session.
There is one important rule to follow when asking this question. When asking this question make sure your client gives you emotional reasons and not intellectual or practical reasons why they want to succeed. Only strong emotional reasons are powerful enough to plow through obstacles on the way to a goal. I want my clients to give me selfish and ego driven reasons for the change. For example, I would rather a weight loss client say "I want to do this to turn heads on the beach" instead of "I want to do this to feel better." I love it when my smoking clients say "I'm ready because I want to be a good father and set the right example" rather than "I want to quit for my health." Emotional reasons create success. If you think the answer is weak than challenge your client. Ask, "If push comes to shove would that reason motivate you through an obstacle?" If they can't truthfully answer yes then dig deeper to find the true underlying motivational factors.
Question #3: "When you leave the office what would be 3 indicators of success?"
This question elicits the client's expectations of what they think success will be like. It is important to get this information because it will determine if the client's expectations are realistic and if reframing is necessary. In addition, when you know what they expect and want to have happen, you can easily deliver specific post-hypnotic suggestions in your session to ensure the positive outcomes. For example a smoking client might say, "When I leave here I want to feel confident, and if I can drive home without a craving I will know the session was a success. Also, if I'm drinking more water I will know this is working." Knowing this information, you can now create a variety of post-hypnotic suggestions to make sure these things happen.
When you have your next session, instead of using a prewritten script give the Big 3 a chance. You will find that these 9 answers will give you more than enough content for your session and give you the ability to provide a personalized hypnosis session to all clients. This approach will free you of any reliance on scripts and greatly enhance your client's success as well.
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