subject: British Academics - How to Learn English with Your Young Child [print this page] British Academics - How to Learn English with Your Young Child
English has become of great importance in achieving academic and business success. As a parent, you dream of your young child to be able to speak the English language fluently. However, you might have been having difficulty teaching your own child to be articulate in English. You need not fret. There are plenty of easier and more sensible ways of learning and practicing English with your young child. Read on to know more on how to learn English with your young child.
If you belong to a bilingual family, your young child could learn the differences in language more quickly if you or your partner would always speak just one language. You might be cautious with this approach if you or your spouse struggle to communicate in English and might risk distancing yourself from your young child. You could also have an English-speaking nanny. Though it could be beyond your budget, you can use the idea of having a clear distinction between languages in a sensible way.
There is one approach that you could use, which had been found by many families successful. You could set up a particular time when the foreign language is spoken. You could use Wednesday to learn Spanish or Tuesday to learn French. You should refrain from pushing your child too much to using the language. They could learn the language easily if they have fun while learning it. You just need to be creative.
Another method you could use is by talking in English to your young child when you are doing certain activities with him/her. When your young child is watching a favorite television show, such as cartoons or animated features; explain to your child what is happening on screen in English. Ask your young child to respond in English as well. For a bilingual family, allow your child to speak in your own dialect until he/she gets used to speaking in English or if your young child could not say all of the things in English yet. You could also apply this through reading books, singing songs, and discussing crafts that your young child made in school.
You and your young child could easily learn the English language together by utilizing English songs, books, and TV programs. In order to keep the difference between languages, do not translate your child. Instead, show him/her the meaning by pictures, simple English, and/or actions. Your young child would be happy not understanding every English word, but he/she would soon learn them somewhere else. You could also make use of other things while learning English with your young child. These might include but not limited to posters, computer games, board games, or card games. It is very important too use these tools as a way of interacting with your young child in English, and not just let these precious tools lay there. Even though your child learned English, this should not hinder him/her from learning about your own language and culture. You could provide a different toy box that could make your child learn your own language, and another for English language.
At one point, you might find it difficult on how and when to teach your young child to read in English. It is very important that your child is able to read in English, to pick up other English words on his/her own. However, this could ruin the fun of learning when your young child is able to read in your own language or when he/she would get older. The best way is to read lots of English books with your young child. You can read some books or play games with your child, specifically about the alphabet and phonics. You can also teach your young child on how the words on the page should be read.
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