subject: The importance of Third Party Certification Trade Marks [print this page] The importance of Third Party Certification Trade Marks
Decisions come down to the more readily differentiated a product is made by its label, the easier the consumer's overall product selection task is made. Since most people choose to spend the least time necessary searching for products which satisfy their wants and meet their needs, producers have a strong incentive to provide labels which clearly and strongly differentiate their products. The traditional ways of doing this include; Category Labelling, Specific Product Information Labelling and Brand Labelling. A growing trend is to use Certification Marks where the label might convey information regarding certification of the product by an independent authority. Such certification programs are intended to enhance the consumer's expectations regarding certain product attributes.
Product lifecycle analysis and sustainability has also become a key issue for consumer decision making. Production ecology, i.e. how a product impacts on the environment when it is produced is well serviced by various eco marks and logo programs. The same can be said about disposal ecology i.e. How a product impacts on the environment when it is disposed of e.g. recycling logo marks. However, the environmental impact' during the in-use phase of the product is not so well served. This is of great importance as the environment' for the in-use phase is generally the indoor environment and air quality of the home.
The requirement for third part independent testing and labelling has come into the news recently with product recalls of toys due to lead in paint and the recalls by major manufacturers of automobiles. All of these stress the importance of audit and third party validation. Consumers want to know that the products will meet their quality and safety concerns. A growing demand for products which meet the needs of asthma and allergy patients has been brought to the forefront by rising health care costs. Avoidance of allergic triggers can reduce the risk of allergic reactions and asthma attacks, which greatly reduces emergency room visits saving millions in health care dollars.
Product Certification Marks
Manufacturers may incorporate a certification mark into their product label to demonstrate certain goods if they have been authorized to do so by the owner of the mark and the product fulfills the requirement of the certification standard.
Examples of such symbols include the Ease of Use Commendation by the Arthritis Foundation, The American Dental Seal of Approval, and The Woolmark. The general purpose of these marks is to signal to the consumer that the product has been accredited by the specified authority for the specified purpose and to provide consumers with useful information.
The Woolmark is the leading added value' premium fiber brand in textiles. It is used across a wide range of products including apparels, carpets, washing machines and detergents. The American Heart Association Food Certification Program provides consumers with a quick, easy way to identify heart-healthy foods.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and its "asthma & allergy friendly" certification program is another example. Products in the program undergo rigorous third party testing by Allergy Standards Ltd. to determine suitability or performance criteria for people with asthma and allergic sensitivities. This is particularly relevant in the home as every room has the/a potential to affect the health of a consumer from cleaning products, vacuum cleaners and bedding.
The Impact of Product Certification on Consumer Behaviour
There is now a large body of evidence demonstrating that certification trademarks have a very significant impact on consumer purchasing habits. Within the two years following the award of a seal of approval by the American Dental Association (ADA) Procter and Gamble's 'Crest' toothpaste had become the top selling brand, with a 30 per cent share of the market (Bennet and McCrohan, 1993).
In what has been described as 'the most comprehensive investigation to date' (Beltrami and Stafford, 1993), "The Role of Seals and Certifications of Approval in Consumer Decision-Making," Journal of Consumer Affairs [vol. 9, pp. 1-14] found consumers ranked 'seals of approval' highest, above 'friends', 'salespersons', and 'advertisements', in terms of their 'expertise' and 'impartiality' and second highest, behind friends, on 'trustworthiness'.
Recent research by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America showed that consumers would be willing to pay a higher price for a product which they believe has been tested and certified as a product which will reduce the chance of an allergic reaction or asthmatic attack. The growing awareness of environmental effects on the in-home use of products has led to an increase in products specifically tested and certified asthma & allergy friendly.
In conclusion, the educated consumer today is actively seeking out products with third party certification marks as well as being keenly aware of sustainability issues. A full life cycle analysis can only be completed when the health impact of the in-use phase of the product is considered. Indoor air quality and a healthy home are important to all consumers, but are of particular relevance to the 70 million Americans with asthma and allergies. Manufacturers and retailers who embrace these issues will not only have satisfied customers, but a healthy return on the investment.
If you will be attending the Home and Housewares Show in Chicago and are concerned about any of the issues above please contact Michael Breshgold at 248-520-3552 or email to
To coincide with his appointments at the 2011 Home and Housewares Show Michael will be distributing his new e-book from our latest research on asthma and allergy and purchasing decisions conducted by Harris Interactive. Michael would be delighted to email a copy after meetings.
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