subject: Natural Treatment for Asthma in Children [print this page] Natural Treatment for Asthma in Children Natural Treatment for Asthma in Children
Natural Treatment for Asthma in Children
Though people of all age group may get affected by asthma children are more vulnerable. Asthma affects children due to various reasons such as heredity, low weight at the time of birth, premature birth. Caesarian, unhygienic surroundings, exposure to tobacco smoke, allergies, atopic dermatitis, eczema, smoking by mother during pregnancy etc. You can cure Asthma Naturally at Home
Children at the age of around 5 years will show the initial symptoms of asthma such as cough, frequent occurrence of running nose and other respiratory infections, wheezing etc.
Asthma is a chronic ailment and it causes inflammation of the respiratory tract thereby blocking proper passage of breathing air. This will lead to asthmatic symptoms such as wheezing, breathing difficulty, cough and chest tightness. Running nose and other infections of respiratory tract will occur frequently.
Symptoms of asthma get worse at night, during cool climate, while doing exercise and when exposed to allergens.
Pollution of air inside and outside the house is a main cause for asthma. Indoor pollution occurs due to dust mites, fumes from household cleaners and paints, nitrogen oxide from gas stove, fungi, cockroaches etc.
Atmospheric pollution is due to sulphur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen oxide, cool climate, high humidity etc.
Asthma attack on children can be effectively prevented by taking following precautions.
Avoid use of perfumes and foods which will trigger asthma.
Cover the mouth and nose of the child with a scarf during cold climate.
Keep the bed room free of allergens and dust
Replace filter of air conditioner periodically
Asthma can be diagnosed on the basis of complete medical history of the family. Physicians will conduct breathing tests also using stethoscope and spirometer. Physician will examine running nose and inflamed air passage also.
Asthma in children can be effectively treated by natural remedies. Natural remedies are 100% safe and they give quick relief from the breathing problems.
There are various methods of natural remedy for curing asthma in children.
Daily at night before going to sleep give the child a few roasted grams and a glass of milk to drink. This will prevent asthmatic attack.
Boil 2 teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds till the quantity reduces to one third. Stop boiling and allow cooling. Give the decoction daily to the child in the morning so as to get rid of asthmatic attack.
Drop a few seeds of Bishop's weed seeds in a glassful of water and boil till the fumes start to come. Inhale the fumes continuously for a few minutes and you will be relieved of breathing difficulties.
Put 10 garlic gloves in a glass of milk and boil for 10 minutes. Then let it cool and drink the mixture. His will prevent attack of asthma.
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