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subject: Safe Operations of Wheelchair Lifts Prevent Unneeded Injury [print this page]

Safe Operations of Wheelchair Lifts Prevent Unneeded Injury

Safe Operations of Wheelchair Lifts Prevent Unneeded Injury

Wheelchair lifts provide millions of individuals with disabilities the chance to pursue a life with more independence. These modern devices make more areas accessible to those with mobility impairments. Wheelchair lifts allow for disabled individuals to lead a more independent life and maintain the freedom of movement by allowing them to operate motor vehicles. Many depend on these devices to travel to work, school, or just for enjoying the ability to travel. Lifts provide many benefits, but must be used carefully to prevent injury and property damage. Adhering to a few simple rules reduces such risks.

There are many types of wheelchair lifts. Some are used on vehicles, allowing individuals to embark and disembark with ease. Others allow for stairs to be navigated. Securing the occupant of the lift is vital for safety. Belts and harnesses should be fastened securely to prevent falls. Depending on the model, vehicle lifts have differing safety measures designed into them. The manufacturers instructions should always be followed to ensure that these safety precautions are in place.

Wheelchair lifts on vehicles are operated in many different environments and require special attention. The vehicle should always be placed in park and the parking brake should be engaged. If a vehicle rolls while a lift is in use, the results could be catastrophic. A lift should never be operated if the vehicle is not secure.
Safe Operations of Wheelchair Lifts Prevent Unneeded Injury

The combined weight of the lift's occupant and any mobility equipment should be less than the maximum weight allowance of the lift. Each lift will have a maximum amount of weight that it can safely raise or lower without mechanical failure. Exceeding this amount can cause costly damage to the equipment and possibly situations where injury can occur.

Wheelchair lifts require a certain amount of room to deploy properly. Ramps extend outwards and typically require more room to operate than smaller pieces, such as swivel lifts. Making sure that there is ample space to deploy the lift can prevent the device from striking other objects or pedestrians.

Many wheelchair lifts are required to have backup systems in the event of mechanical failure. Ensuring that this system is in available and in good repair will help prevent potentially dangerous situations.

Ensuring the safe operations of wheelchair lifts is important for their continued use and the safety of the user and those nearby. Applying safe practices allows the mobility impaired user to reap the benefits of the device and reduce the risk of damage or injury.

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