subject: Critiques on the Online College Degree System [print this page] Critiques on the Online College Degree System
The online college degree system has suffered from a vast array of critiques some bad, some good. The bad press received regarding the online college degree system has likened the system to a degree mill, a poor learning environment and un-supportive. My experiences (which have then led to positive critiques) find that this is pretty unfair when you actually consider what is offered by the online college degree system. Many mature aged students just don't have the time or ability to enter the traditional college system many younger people may not have access to a localized college institution for various methods so it is really not fair on the online college degree system to label it with such negative critiques.
Online college degree critiques are not only specific the aforementioned negatives either. At one point, there was a variety of dodgy degree providers out there that were quick to award degrees to "students" when they were not actually earned. This led to an influx of poorly educated workers who fumbled through their daily job without even knowing anything about the niche field that they were qualified in. There has been a tightening of quality control methodologies to the online college degree industry in recent time and many employers are now aware of the colleges that offer a real education to their students.
So many of the old online college degree critiques that put online colleges in a negative light are not actually as relevant as they once were. Sure, once upon a time there as a massive amount of degree mill colleges online that allowed people to more or less order a degree without actually handing in an assessment , most of these institutions have been found to offer nothing more than a piece of paper since then and the graduates have not had much luck finding work with their bogus degree.
The real positive critiques that spring forth from the online college degree industry are directly attributed to the ability of enabling people to go forth and improve themselves and their job prospects in a manner that suits them. Not everyone has the ability to sit in a lecture hall every day listening to a lecturer who has probably been away from the industry for so long that what they are saying is irrelevant (yes, this actually happens). It allows people to push themselves towards a goal which is worthwhile and has the ability to open up many more doors than would have been available otherwise.
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