subject: Ideal Solution to The Question 'How to Get Pregnant Fast - Know More about How to Get Pregnant Fast [print this page] Ideal Solution to The Question 'How to Get Pregnant Fast - Know More about How to Get Pregnant Fast
Congratulations! Finally, you have decided to start a family. I understand, that after making the decision, which is bound to change your life forever, you simply cannot wait to get pregnant. By now, you must have tried almost all the so-called successful techniques for conception, heard numerous 'success stories' and experimented with all those tricks, your friend shared with you. Unfortunately, the stork hasn't visited yet! Never mind, the aim of this article is to enlighten you about the favorable conditions for conception and eliminate some misconceptions about conception. Creating these conditions can definitely improve your odds of getting pregnant fast.
How to Get Pregnant Fast?
Best Time to Get Pregnant
I am sure you must be aware, that the best time to get pregnant is when the woman is in the ovulation phase of her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, majority of the women do not know when exactly, they are ovulating. It is wrongly assumed that the woman ovulates on the 14th day of her 28-day menstrual cycle. The truth is that, there are variations in the duration of menstrual cycle as well as the number of days of menstruation. Moreover, you may not be ovulating on the same day every month! This makes it very difficult to find the accurate day of ovulation. You can either buy an ovulation detector available in the market or you can maintain your own BBT (Basal Body Temperature) chart. Your body temperature increases slightly, when you are ovulating. Keep a watch on your body temperature for at least 6-7 months to get an idea about the correct timing of ovulation.
Increase the Frequency of Lovemaking
Once, you get a rough idea of your ovulation time, make sure you make the best of it. Increase the frequency of sexual intercourse to 4-5 times a week. Remember, the ovulation phase lasts only for a couple of days and the egg lives only for 24 hours, hence, it is imperative that you adjust the timing of your lovemaking with that of the ovulation. In case you miss it, you'll have to wait for yet another month. Another approach to getting pregnant fast, which many couples follow, is to have sex on each day of the month. Although, this is a tiring process, you'll be saved from performing tedious calculations to find the ovulation time. However, do not look at sex as a chore, but continue to derive pleasure from it, as before.
Create Favorable Conditions for Conception
Go for a pre-conception consultation to know the nutrient requirements of your body and begin their intake.
Avoid the use of artificial lubricants or vaginal sprays with spermicidal properties.
Cut down your intake of caffeine drinks, as they are associated with many infertility problems.
Get an overall check-up done to ensure your body is perfectly balanced and capable of handling pregnancy. Know more about women's heath.
The most important thing which one must take into consideration is that even when you are at the peak of your fertility (i.e during your early twenties), you only have about 20-25% chances of conception every month. The probability drops drastically as you age and reduces to about 5% in your forties. Thus, it is possible that in spite of all your efforts, you may have to deal with disappointment, but this is perfectly normal. More on miscarriages.
Practically, there is no ideal solution to the question 'how to get pregnant fast'. Yet, a few efforts from your side can definitely provide some help to get pregnant fast.
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