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subject: Benefits of Running a small business from home [print this page]

Benefits of Running a small business from home

Benefits of Running a small business from home

Have you ever considered starting a business from your home? If you havent then you really should think about it.

People working from home can claim alot of tax deductions for example: if you use a portion of your home and dedicate it to work then you can claim that portion of your home on your tax returns. Also claimable items are computer ink cartridges, paper, pens, utility bills, telephone bills (including cell phone bill),heating and gas, lunch or meals, and any transportation used for your business purposes. Also claim things that you rent for business purposes lie office furniture, tools or equiptment etc.

Also look forward to having more time for yourself to spend with your family and your friends and associates. Its always good to have what many people call "me time" and by starting a business from home you can really defeat many birds with only one stone. Remember that long commute that you have every day of the week and every week of the year except the holidays and also those as well? When you starting a business from home you can then truly say goodbye to those long hours of commuting to work every day and simply walk from your bedroom to shower, to kitchen to your spare room that you have turned into your home office. Just imagine how much money you have already saved now daily?, monthly?, yearly? Your get the picture right?

Remember the times when you have a boss over you in authority telling you where to work, when to work and how much money to make? Well gone will be those days when you are starting a business from home. You make your own schedule. You make as much money as you want to make. You work where you want to work. Wouldnt it be nice to have total control over your work life?

For the peice of mind that your looking for and the freedom financially and time wise. This is something that you really may want to seriously think about doing yourself. Especially is you already have a particular niche or money making hobbie or interest.

Starting a business from home is definitely something you will want to consider.

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