subject: Revealed Factors That Contribute to Getting You Pregnant Faster - Right Method to Get Pregnant Secrets [print this page] Revealed Factors That Contribute to Getting You Pregnant Faster - Right Method to Get Pregnant Secrets
Most couples look forward to the parenting phase of their lives. As parents, you bring a life into this world and shape it to perfection. So, if you are eagerly looking forward to your pregnancy, I am sure you are looking for the best way to get pregnant. However, before you try ways to get pregnant, it's important to know the nitty-gritties of parenting. There are a lot of factors that contribute to getting you pregnant faster, such as maintaining a healthy diet and being fit. If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while and yielded barely any results, or if you are going to start trying, then read on to know the best way to get pregnant.
Best Way to Get Pregnant
Sex on Schedule
This may sound funny, but couples with hectic and demanding lifestyles would agree, that sex does take a backseat. The biggest mistake that couples trying to get pregnant make, is miss out on sex, while they are not ovulating. Yes ovulation is the best time to get pregnant, but having a lot of sex is a great way to increase your chances of getting pregnant, as sometimes, a woman might miss her ovulation. Although, it is true, that there isn't the slightest chance of getting pregnant while you are not ovulating, try and have a pleasurable intercourse once in a while. If a woman has an orgasm, it increases her chances of conceiving. Also, an orgasm for a man, increases the sperm count.
Timely Ovulation
If you are looking for an answer for how to get pregnant fast, experts advice you to use an ovulation predicting kit. Women generally ovulate 15 days after the first day of their menstrual cycle, every month, but this is an approximate calculation. Since, each one of you has a different body type, use an ovulation kit to mark your most fertile periods. This increases the accuracy, thus, making your job easier and planned. You can also try using fertility monitors, which note the changes in hormones, so the guesswork is reduced. Read more on when does ovulation occur.
When to Do It
Often couples who are trying to get engaged, are confused about the 'right time to have sex'. It's true that you ought to have sex, while your partner ovulates, but an intercourse before ovulation, maybe equally fruitful. In fact, sexual intercourse, before ovulation is likely to give you better results than the one after the intercourse. A woman's egg lives up to 24 hours, whereas a man's sperm lives up to 3-4 days. In such a case, the best way to get pregnant fast, is to have sex 2-3 days before ovulation.
Good Health
As I mentioned earlier, getting pregnant involves other external factors too. A healthy lifestyle, diet and nutritional supplements are equally important. Following a healthy diet keeps your hormones in the correct balance, thus helping your body to conceive. Having certain food items and drinks increases your fertility too. If you are regular smoker, drink alcohol or use drugs, stop these habits completely, as such substances, negate your fertility, thus reducing your chances to conceive. Read more on tips on how to get pregnant.
See a Doctor
See a doctor while you are trying to get pregnant. Go to a doctor for regular check-ups to make sure you don't have an infections, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or any other health problems. Additionally, seeing a doctor will give a proper guided answer to what is the best way to get pregnant. Read more on how long does it take to get pregnant.
The best way to get pregnant, is by paying little attention to your sexual positions. The missionary position is the best to get pregnant. Woman on the back, with her hip a little high, allows the gravity the do it's little bit for you. Thus, avoid any positions, with woman on top. After an intercourse, relax and stay still for a while, as it will allow the sperm to find its way. I hope you've by now, with these best way to get pregnant tips, you will get your bundle of joy. Good luck!
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