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Global Milk & Dairy Products Market Report: 2009 Edition - Market Research Report On Aarkstore

Dairy industry represents a major segment of the food industry. Every individual consumes dairy products daily in various forms like curd, cheese, milk, and their increased attention towards health and nutrition has increased the demand of dairy products. The dairy farming has been transformed from traditional farming to advanced farming where more tools and equipments are used to fulfill the increasing demand of the customers and has enabled the manufacturers to present the dairy products in different forms like condensed milk, powdered milk, homogenized milk, and pasteurized milk.

Government of every country has provided various provisions for subsidies to producers which have helped in encouraging surplus production. Export subsidies have been paid by governments to utilize the excess production in the worldwide markets. Tariff and non-tariff barriers have also been erected by the governments both in developed and developing countries to protect the dairy sector from unfair competition.

Production and consumption of cheese is the most amongst all dairy products worldwide. The cheese segment has shown significant growth in the last few years. Japan is the leading cheese importer and accounts for than forty percent of worldwide imports.

By combining SPSS Inc.'s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.

The report discusses the various segments of the dairy industry and presents an analysis of the milk and dairy products market in India, China, US, European Union, GCC Countries and Japan. It discusses the key growth drivers of dairy industry related to various countries. The report further analyzes the major trends prevalent in the market. The report also profiles the major companies operating in the industry, with a focus on their business strategies.

Table of Contents :

1. Dairy Products - Market Overview


Classes of Milk & Usage

2. Worldwide Milk & Dairy Products Industry

Dairy Production

Growth Rate

Major Producers

3. Market Segmentation

3.1 Butter

Production by Region

Consumption by Region

3.2 Cheese

Production by Region

Consumption by Region

3.3 Non- Fat Dairy Milk

Production by Region

Consumption by Region

3.4 Whole Milk Powder

Production by Region

Consumption by Region

4. Regional Dairy Markets

4.1 Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries

Dairy Product Market Overview

Growth in Consumption

Saudi Arabia






Growth Drivers

Global Food Industry shows Faith in GCC

Population and Consumption - Main Pillars of Growth

4.2 China

Dairy Market Overview

Consumption Growth

Raw Milk Production

Growth Drivers

Shift in Consumer Preferences

Rise in Disposable Income

Outlook of Chinese Dairy Market

4.3 Japan

Dairy Market Overview

Production Growth

Milk Pricing Trend

Growth Drivers

Special Subsidy and Incentive Schemes

Increasing Health Awareness

4.4 India

Dairy Market Overview

Overall Milk Production

Milk Production by State

Growth Drivers

Strong Co-operative Effort

Growth in Organic Food Industry

Opportunities for International Players

4.5 US

Dairy Market Overview

Production Growth

Pricing Trend

Growth Drivers

Flavored Dairy Beverages

Financial Support by Government

Outlook of Dairy Market

4.6 European Union

Dairy Market Overview

Production Growth

Consumption Trend

Export Data

Growth Drivers

Special Import Arrangements

End of Milk Quota

Outlook of Dairy Market

5. Company Profiles

5.1 Nestle SA


Business Strategies

Introduction of PPPs

Eco-efficient Packaging

5.2 American Dairy, Inc.


Business Strategies

Employs Minimal Processing Techniques

Focus on Producing Raw Milk in less than Standard Time

5.3 Danone SA


Business Strategies

Three-Pronged Strategy for Emerging Countries

Focus on Emerging Markets

5.4 Fonterra Co-operative Group


Business Strategies

Focused on Providing Quality Products

Focus on Sustainability Strategy

6. Outlook of World Milk & Dairy Market

Milk & Dairy Supply Forecast

Per Capita Consumption Forecast

6.1 Market Forecast

6.2 Forecast Methodology

6.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables

6.2.2 Correlation Analysis

6.2.3 Regression Analysis

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