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Why You Have to Buy Motor Insurance

Why You Have to Buy Motor Insurance
Why You Have to Buy Motor Insurance

If you own a motor vehicle, or you're thinking of driving a car that belongs to say a friend or family member then you need to make sure you buy car insurance as well. This kind of insurance can be called motor, vehicle or car insurance, but it all means the same thing.

Many people think that by side stepping motor insurance is actually a good way to save money well they're wrong. When owning a car or wanting to drive a car that is owned by someone else you know, this type of transport comes with additional costs although these additions are actually mandatory.

Why You Have to Buy Motor Insurance

Firstly, buying car insurance is a legal requirement for anyone wanting to drive a vehicle on a public road. In the UK, this law was introduced in 1930 but as of 1988 it was actually defined in the Road Traffic Act. Specifically, section 143(1)(a) states that it's an offence to drive a vehicle, or allow others to drive a vehicle without any insurance whilst on a public road or public space.

So what does car insurance entitle you to? Well, let's look at a scenario involving two motor vehicles. You're in your car driving along a road, when all of a sudden a car pulls out from a junction and drives into the side of your car. Your car has severe damage and you suffer minor injuries.

Let's look at what happens if you had bought car insurance. Depending on the type of cover you had, any damage to your car would be paid for, and if the collision you were in wasn't your fault, this is paid for by the other driver (assuming they have insurance themselves). As for your injuries? Well, again with adequate insurance these would be paid for by either your insurance company or the other driver's insurance company depending who was at fault.

Take the same scenario and let's assume that you decided not to buy car insurance. Your car has thousands of pounds work of damage and your suffering from your injuries which would cost hundreds of pounds in medical bills. Well, guess what? You can't claim a single penny, and to make matters worse you may actually be sued by the other driver, their passengers and maybe even their insurance company.

Secondly then, motor insurance protects you the driver from any damage to the car as well as any liability from the collision. It's bad enough that you may have to fork out more than you would normally if you were involved in a collision that wasn't your fault. But imagine what it would be like if the collision you were involved in was your fault and you had no cover? You could end up with no car, in court, forking out for legal and medical bills as well as paying for car repairs or a replacement car and finally paying the victim compensation.

In a nut shell then, you have to buy motor insurance because firstly it is illegal not to do so and secondly it could end up costing you far much more than you thought in the first place. By sidestepping car insurance to save a few hundred pounds could end up costing you ten times that amount if you are involved in any kind of collision.

There are many affordable car insurance companies that offer all levels of car insurance policies. The minimum policy required is third part only', next there is third party fire and theft' and finally there is fully comprehensive'. These policies get more expensive as the level of protection increases, but there are options for you the driver to buy car insurance that is affordable and still stay legally protected. This way you won't run the risk of spending much more than you would of, had you bought car insurance in the first place.

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