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Writing For a Selfish Market: Part 1

Writing For a Selfish Market: Part 1
Writing For a Selfish Market: Part 1

Most business web sites are in the habit of advertising and using their web site for self promotion to increase their market share, but this seems to have little effect. This is because the web is a different medium than anything we have known before and it allows your market to be selfish and self centred because the web is a user controlled medium.

One of the more difficult things to grasp in web marketing is that advertising is not needed on your web site. In fact, advertising just gets in the way. This is because your web customer is already inside your business site and they are past the need for your advertising. What they want is your best solution for their problem that brought them to you.

So don't even think about telling people how good your product is, or how much better than the competition your services are. They don't want to know any of that right away. What they want from your page, right away, is the solution you provide that solves their problem.

Talk about your solution and what it does for them. Keep it simple and factual. Avoid any temptations to use glorified words, "The greatest..." or "Just like magic..." Instead, talk about what pains them. When you know your market's problem then you have their attention. They see that you know and understand them and this is where trust begins.

Talking about your solution is what sells your solution

You have time to talk about how your solution works for them because your competition is no where around. You made sure of that by marketing with your own distinctive keywords. This is your territory on the web and your pages have time to talk - if they get down to business right away.

You can provide a comparison chart between your product/service and the mainstream competition because it quickly shows the difference. People can figure it out for themselves.

Telling them to act now is an insult to your more intelligent visitors, and it doesn't matter if they have heard it many times before, no one ever gets used to being talked to like a 2 year old. Some markets thrive on selling to the market segment that is motivated by that kind of language, but that's not us. Is it?

Do you know why the "BUY NOW" button is used on web sites?

When your pages do not have enough information to generate a sale then you are forcing the use of a command to get action. Yes, web marketers will tell you to ask for the sale, but a loud buy-now button is an extremely poor way to do that.

When you talk to a salesperson and they say "Buy it now" and then again, "Buy it now", how do you react to the pressure? If you could have a little amusement about the pushy parrot talking to you then you might have a chuckle, but you still wouldn't buy... would you?

We all have met a person that only talks about what interests them and it quickly becomes tedious for us and we politely look for ways to escape from them. It is the same with your visitors if your web site is self-centred, only they do not need to be polite, they just dump the web site immediately. If you want your web site to retain visitors then you may want to consider sharing something they are interested in.

OK, that's enough to get started. If you think without using your business knowledge then you can think like your market does. They have questions, don't they? What are those questions? You know the questions I mean, the ones that are all about the solution you provide. Writing for the web is really writing for your market. You have been reading this message and it is presented in a different way like all articles are... such as getting the advertising out of the way and putting your interests first.

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