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Vietnamese Visa Online Services

Vietnamese Visa Online Services
Vietnamese Visa Online Services

For the entire trip when we are travelling to Vietnam, the requirement is a valid visa and passport. It is not significant but the primary task to obtain a visa. Visas are issued by Vietnam embassies and consultants. Tourist Visa is also issued by some overseas offices and Vietnam airlines. The new way to get visa is getting it online in Vietnam on our arrival. The primary means to provide online visa to Vietnam is to help and satisfy the number of travellers to obtain visa to travel the country Vietnam. We have to just work out with the service of Vietnam visa online to obtain our Visa at the airport of Vietnam. By this way, obtaining entry Visa becomes much easier. The time for processing Visa is maximum two days.

There are few steps and requirement which should be fulfilled for visa to Vietnam. First of all we have to fill the online application form which includes our personal detail. It has to be send to the service provider via email. The next step is to pay service fee and this will confirm that our application has been forwarded successfully. The payment can be done through the various payment gateways and credit cards. The information can be submitted to the Immigration department of Vietnam. After two working days we will receive a visa approval letter through email. We should carry that letter while going to Vietnam as this has to be shown to the Immigration department. When we reach Vietnam's airport we have to get the visa stamped on to the passport and the stamping fee has to be paid to the Immigration office.

If we apply for a visa to Vietnam on arrival we have to carry few things with us. Photographs should be of 2x2 inches and it should be latest and taken within 6 months. The size from the head till chin should be one inch and 13/8 inches. The photographs may be black and white or coloured. The full face must be there in photo and the background should be off-white. The photograph should be taken without a headgear or hat that obscures the hairline or hair. In photograph, any uniform should not be worn but the religious attire can be worn. If we wear the hearing device, wig, prescription glassed or similar articles consistently then they should be worn while taking picture.

From country to country, the fees and processing time of visa can vary. There are number of companies who provide the service to get the visa on arrival for us. The agreement of private companies with the government of Vietnam allows us to arrange a permission letter after collecting passport. For all these services, the companies charge fees. We can take help of a travel agent who can arrange visa to Vietnam. We can also use the online methods to get visa. To get the visa on arrival is the safest, cheapest, easiest and secured way that saves our time and money.

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