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subject: Home Based Business- What You Don't Want [print this page]

Home Based Business- What You Don't Want

Home Based Business- What You Don't Want
Home Based Business- What You Don't Want

Many people in their quest to create a successful Home Based Business fall into the trap of being led to believe that they need to buy software programs after software programs to make their Home Business work. They are not told or do not realize that their Work From Home Business can be successful using totally free software found on the internet.

It is easy to see how people fall into this trap. And that is exactly what it is, a trap. Most systems make their money on the software, programs or systems that they sell you. With most systems it costs you a sum money up front to get involved. When you first start they have your email address. What we found too with most of these systems is they don't give you all the information you need right up front to succeed. They keep sending you emails with this new and wonderful product or program that Joe Shmoe made five hundred thousand a month with in hopes of enticing you to buy it, and thus they get a commission for selling it to you!

What is usually taking place here is that they believe that if they can sell you one product they can sell you another product. Most people are so heavily invested in their Home Based Business that they feel they have to buy the "next new thing" to make their Online Business work. What they are really doing is keeping you from being successful so they can make their living off of you buy selling you a new product that you hope will make your Home Business finally work.

My wife and I went through this squirrel cage for a few years before we realized what was really going on. Believe me it was really tempting to give up but We so wanted this Work From Home Business thing to work that we just kept at it. We finally came to the point where we quit buying the "next best thing" and started to piece together what we had learned from this experience. We put together all of the free programs we had accumulated and with a lot of research we finally figured out how put together a system that really works using all free software that you can find on the internet.

Believe me it is really exciting and liberating to know that you really don't have to buy anything except a domain name and a hosting site to build a successful Home Based

Business. For more tips and advice on how you too can learn to build your Online Business go to and get started today.

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