subject: Invisalign- Invisible Braces From Your Dentist for Perfect Teeth [print this page] Invisalign- Invisible Braces From Your Dentist for Perfect Teeth
Your smile is a huge part of what you present to the world every day, and that is why having a nice smile is so important. If you are like many, you probably have a tooth or many of your teeth are not perfectly straight. You want to get them straightened, but do not want to have to deal with the metal braces that must stay on for multiple years. Do you have any other options?
Though it used to be that regular metal bracket braces were the only solution for straightening teeth, today, there is something called Invisalign that has gained widespread popularity for its many benefits to the consumer.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a system that is being used to replace the inconveniences of metal braces with a plastic material that invisibly aligns one's teeth. This means that aside from doing all the comprehensive straightening that regular braces once did for a patient's teeth, Invisalign braces also do it in a way that is virtually invisible to the eye.
Benefits of Invisalign Braces
There are a number of benefits to choosing Invisalign braces to straighten your teeth-no matter your age or how much work your teeth need. Below, we review the most compelling reasons people choose Invisalign:
1. Appearance: The very first reason people use Invisalign should come as no surprise. The device is made of a thin clear plastic which fits over the teeth- they are virtually invisible so no one will know you are wearing them. Compare this with the clunky metal braces of yesteryear that were unsightly and embarrassing.
2. Removable: Another big plus to Invisalign braces is that they are removable- you don't need to wait 2-3 years to have your orthodontist remove them; you just take them out when you eat, brush, floss, etc. and can therefore, manage as if you didn't have them. This also removes any difficulty with getting food stuck in your braces.
3. Effective: Studies show that using Invisalign braces are just as effective as regular braces at correcting and straightening wayward teeth, if used as recommended by the dentist. How many hours per day do you have to wear Invisalign, you may wonder? All the time- 20-22 hours per day- that you are not eating or brushing.
4. Length of Use: Lastly, many people choose Invisalign because instead of having to wear them for years and years like metal braces, on average, most patients only have to wear them for a little over a year.
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