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subject: Straight And Smooth Are In Style [print this page]

From the Fendi runway to the Oscar red carpet, it is clear that super straight, sexy sleek hair is current. Long, straight and silky hair is very popular today. And as it is always, getting a desired hairstyle requires a two-pronged attack and they are: product plus technique. For those who do not have the time or patience to grow out their hair, there is always another alternative and that is hair extensions. It takes few hours to attach hair extensions that are available in two forms-human or synthetic hair extensions. These extensions are so natural that they are hard to distinguish from your natural hair. They can be attached to your natural hair in just a few hours. The extensions can be very natural looking and hard to detect.Or they can straighten their hair with hair straighteners available on the market at full fledge.

Straight hair has become progressively more and more popular, perhaps because it is finally achievable even for the curliest heads with hotter than ever-flat irons and turbo-charged blow dryers. And to give your hair definition you will rightly need the perfect equipment before you finally get started. But, prior to application you should ensure that your is dry. Here is where you need time to make sure that your hair is completely dry and stay while using proper and quality hair straightener. Quality or a professional hair straightener works on all hair and now you can get them at cheap. On the market today, many good quality hair irons that have flat ceramic plates and have an adjustable temperature gauge and majority of the new irons will also be able to add shine and effectively eliminate fizz as well as straightening your hair. Ensure that you read the specification of each iron before you buy and choose one that meets your requirements, so that you do not feel that you have wasted your money. Your decision should give you happiness and not frustration.

When you are working with your hair and specifically straightening, there are some simple advices and tips that you can follow and they are always remember to wash your hair with a tiny bit of moisturizing shampoo and conditioner that is followed by towel drying. The reimbursement of this will be that your hair will be protected and will be less prone to damage during the straightening process. Besides these it essential that you should apply a heat-protecting product to your hair, paying special attention to the ends so that your hair gets additional protection from the heat given to the hair while straightening.

Straight hair can be of different textures (coarse, medium or fine) and can be cut, razored, sliced, chipped, or tapered to achieve almost any shape. There straight hairstyle is really fun and you can have the best of both worlds: wear it straight or set it in hot rollers or use a curling iron to create waves and curls that will last until your next shampoo. Some hair style for straight hair are if you hair is medium to coarse then you can follow short hair with plenty of choppy layers and if your hair is fine to medium texture then you can keep your hair shoulder length with face framing layers.

by: Louise

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