subject: Temper Tantrums: Should You Punish Your Child for It? [print this page] Temper Tantrums: Should You Punish Your Child for It?
Have you noticed something different with your two-year old lately? Has he been crying, screaming, biting or even banging his head on the walls whenever he doesn't get something he wants? Chances are your child is going through what we call the terrible twos. Kids go through the terrible twos at different times, but commonly around two or three years old. Some go through it quickly, while some go through it for a long time. No matter how soon your kid goes through this stage though, only one thing's for certain, they can be a real headache. A kid this age starts to learn about self-independence, but doesn't have the skills to do things on his own yet. As parents, we don't want our kids to get hurt so we stop them from sticking their fingers into the socket or we don't allow them to eat candies before bedtime. It's only natural for kids (or even other people) to complain whenever they are prevented from doing something they want but since young kids don't have well-developed language skills to express their disappointment, they end up crying, biting and kicking out of frustration. The big question is should we punish our kids for throwing a tantrum? This is something that a lot of parents ask about. More often than not, it's easier to just get angry at the child and scream or even shake them just to make them quiet. But is this really the best way to go?It's very natural for toddlers and young kids to throw tantrums. This is a typical stage of child development. What parents need to understand is that children don't throw tantrums just because they want to. They're doing it because they don't know how to handle their anger. What every parent needs to do is to teach their child how to better manage their anger. First, don't ever let the tantrum get to you. Don't baby your child whenever he throws a fit. In fact, the best that you can do is to ignore him and/or go to another room. After the tantrum, talk to your child about the behavior and teach him how to approach you best whenever he is angry (ie; You can stomp your feet, cross your arms and tell me what's upsetting you but never scream and kick.)
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