subject: Why Are American Fridge Freezers So Popular? [print this page] Why Are American Fridge Freezers So Popular?
With the increase in the UK population, there is also the need to increase storage within households, and this is why American fridge freezers have become increasingly popular over the years as they provide the extra space needed for the modern day family.
If you have more room or a large family, you might want to invest in an American-style fridge freezer. An American-style fridge freezer means that the fridge and freezer are next to each other rather than one on top of the other. They offer twice the storage space of traditional fridge freezers and extra features which can include ice-makers and water dispensers.
Why American fridge freezers are so popular:
Useful features include ice and water dispensers and are useful in the summer.
All American fridge freezers have handy side pockets which offer extra storage space.
Storage compartments will keep fruit and veg fresher for longer.
Added advantage of adjustable shelves, which make your fridge space more flexible.
bottle holders are a great advantage for keeping a bottle of champagne chilled.
The larger capacity offered by an American fridge freezer means you shouldn't struggle to sit large bottles upright in your fridge.
With the door units having space, these can be used to store cheese, eggs and fruit.
Having an American fridge freezer can add style and elegance to any kitchen and are very useful for family living. These bulky appliances coming in modern day designs make it easy for any family to place an American fridge freezer within their current kitchen design. Being stylish is just one thing these fridge freezers have to offer with them also offering extra storage spaces. These big appliances, give you stylish designs and a large amount of space along with additional features and add-ons such as ice makers, water dispensers and LCD displays which all come as standard.
American fridge freezers have become increasing popular over the years and now you know why, its clear to see why so many UK homes have these beastly appliances in their kitchen as they offer consumers that extra space which is needed in modern day living.
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