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How to Start Your Wholesale Handcrafted Jewelry Website Online

How to Start Your Wholesale Handcrafted Jewelry Website Online

If you are a handcrafted jewelry artisan, handmade jewelry designer, jewelry wholesaler or you purchase unique jewelry from wholesale jewelry suppliers, you need to have your own website that will attract new clients and increase your handmade jewelry sales. You have probably had the dream to sell your unique jewelry online and with technology today there is nothing standing in your way.

Many people are intimidated because of a lack of knowledge. They do not realize how simple it is to build a unique jewelry internet website as well as a presence online. Most people are on the internet everyday but are afraid to take the risk of their own online unique jewelry business. The good news is that there is no risk involved and most of the services you need are freely available.

A couple of years ago I had no idea what having a unique jewelry website really entailed except other people were doing it but I really had no clue how they were doing it. You will have to learn internet marketing, social networking, web design, search engine optimization (SEO). Sounds difficult but actually it all comes quite easily. You will have to focus your efforts and learn that once you get your unique jewelry website up and running no one will know you exist. It will all be up to you how successful your site will be but these goals are all readily attainable.

Most jewelry artists want to set up a handmade jewelry website with little or no marketing budget rather depending on repeat customers, referrals and word of mouth from friends and family of the people who order it. Your friends and family may be supportive but they will not be a major part of your handcrafted unique jewelry business income. You need to act as if your friends and family will not order handcrafted earrings or handmade bracelets from you and spend your time promoting and finding your true target niche.

Personally a self-hosted WordPress or Blogger blog is easy to set up but most importantly free. You will have to learn how to make magic yourself and while it is relatively easy to learn it takes time to really get good at it. There are free tutorials and tons of websites to learn the basics. There are many free blogging platforms available to choose from. Many of these sites have good search engine results and when you post a new blog or update your listing will appear in the results gaining you additional publicity. Posting regularly will increase your chances of getting found by the right people.

You will need more than one property online. A handcrafted jewelry website all by itself, without an advertising budget and no knowledge of internet marketing or search engine optimization, will sit idle with no traffic for a very long time. You need to create other sites anywhere you can linking back to your main site and take advantage of every free service where you can create a profile such as Twitter, Facebook and other social websites. Always try to get a link pointing to something on your site. Basically anywhere that will let you sell or promote your handcrafted jewelry is where you want to be.

When you type handmade jewelry into Google you get over 3 million results. Next try handmade jewelry forum to find 300,000 results. There are obviously communities out there for handmade jewelry artisans. Join some and participate in handcrafted jewelry forums. Those communities should lead you to your customers if you are willing to invest the time. They might not be your handmade jewelry customers but they could lead you to your wholesale jewelry customers.

Get involved in social networking like Facebook and Twitter to develop an online social media presence. It takes a lot of time and effort to get your wholesale handmade jewelry in front of people through these free services but they are very effective. Spend your time building a presence where you think your customers will spend their time. Show your personality and style and do not forget to get a link to your handcrafted jewelry website.

Online marketing requires patience so do not expect overnight results. Get your name out there and keep working. Write about your handcrafted jewelry, post photos of your handmade earrings and handcrafted bracelets, join social networks and groups to build your contacts. Just decide that you are going to do whatever it takes to learn everything you need to know and you will actually be building a successful handmade jewelry business online.

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