subject: How To Make Money Online The Simplest Way? Get A Pre-Made Website And Sell Merchandise! Here's How! [print this page] How To Make Money Online The Simplest Way? Get A Pre-Made Website And Sell Merchandise! Here's How!
If you want to make some money online, there are many ways to go, but here are some of the easier ways to do it. No matter what you sell...eBooks, your services, merchandise, or whatever else you come up will need a way for people to pay you online, and the perfect way to do that is with PayPal, Click Here for a FREE Account!
Now that you will have that in place, there are any number of things that you can can go to and set up a simple blog, and write whatever you have on your mind, develop some loyal readers, and you can add a donate button, OR you can set up a simple website if you are only going to sell a few items, and some folks use the Wordpress website for just such an enterprise.
Then if you make anything in the way of crafts, you can set up a store at and sell your crafts to the world, or you can start going to your local garage sales and buy things to sell on eBay!
Probably your best bet, is to get a website of your own, through a wholesale connection where you can PayPal them the wholesale price to ship the items to your customers, after your customers PayPal YOU the retail price via your own website, which would be hosted through a company that works in conjunction with the wholesaler! Check This Out As An Example! Those people are the "tops" by the way...I love both of those companies and deal with them daily!
Who am I, you ask? Well, I am Father Time, of a self help writer and speaker, as well as a Ghost Writer who helps others that need good writing. I also have a Daily Motivational e-mail Message service and I invite you to come sign-up for a FREE a gift...consider it a random act of kindness!
The main thing is...if you want to start your own, home-based business, then you certainly can, BUT ignore the negativity of a few people you know who say you cannot do it, and believe me, they are out there, waiting to pounce on you and shatter your dreams!
"The person who says it cannot be done, should NOT interrupt the person who is doing it." - ancient Chinese proverb
The last ingredient for your success, and probably the most important part, is to attract attention to your website by posting some new content daily, bothon your website, and by writing articles and posting them on a place such as where they will get seen and then some people will click on the links, and come visit your website! Hooray...traffic! This is called article marketing, and you can read and learn more about it!
Many Blessings!
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