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subject: Make Money Online By Protecting Yourself [print this page]

Make Money Online By Protecting Yourself

Make Money Online By Protecting Yourself
Make Money Online By Protecting Yourself

For the most part consumers are most trusting of the people they buy from and this is most evident with the tons of make money online scams that take place on a daily basis.

It doesn't matter whether its an online purchase or on land one that a consumer is making, there is an aura of trust present.

Many years ago though it was a standing joke whenever a salesman would impart a hard sales tactic, it was said that he had the used car salesman approach. The make money online sales tactics fall into this category. The difference is with the modern technology of virtual sales it has become much easier for this sales pitch to be used.

Would be sales people that would be required to use this sales pitch on a face to face basis often fail simply because they have difficulty looking their sales prospect in the eye while they are trying to pitch a product that they know is doomed for failure.

So why is it that so many people are taken in with the make money online schemes? Simply because they are so desperate for the product to work that they actually sell themselves into believing that these get rich quick products really do work. Well, maybe not the last half dozen they have purchased, but maybe this latest one will be different. In most cases these people are setting themselves up to be short a few more dollars out of their pocket and a great disappointment of yet again another scam.

So why then would intelligent people be taken in again and again by the same tactics? It all comes down to the consumer's need. If a person is in need of something so bad they are vulnerable to anything that remotely comes along that might meet that need. A good example of this is when a person is suffering from cancer. They are so vulnerable to miracle cures and it has been well documented that these ill fortune individuals have often spent thousands of dollars for horrific cures that did nothing but take their money and make what life they had left miserable.

On a smaller scale the make money online scams operate the same way. Some individuals are just so desperate to make money that they become totally vulnerable to a well rehearsed and planned sales pitch. Now after having said all this, yes you can make money online, but you need to protect yourself first by weeding out the untruths so you can focus on the real areas that will potentially allow you to make money online.

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