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Want A Home Based Business But Hate Talking To People?

Want A Home Based Business But Hate Talking To People?

Article # 29

Want A Home Based Business But Hate Talking To People?

You are not alone, 85% of home based business owners who just start a business hate talking to people on the phone and selling. They know that owning a business is the best way to get wealthy, but dread the selling part. And if you just started out, you dont yet have the funds to hire someone to do that for you. Most people though are immune to telemarketers anyways so its an old prospecting way that does not work anymore.

I have just read a book by Mike Dillard called Magnetic Sponsoring where Mike figured out a way for people who own a home based business, can cut out talking to people on the phone and selling to them. In this book he points out many ways that you can attract your prospects to you. It cuts out the variable that makes most people fail at business, you. It is a simple strategy and it is based on the natural human tendencies to want to be a part of something big. To be part of a group of like-minded individuals.

Nobody gets anywhere with cold calling prospects and the people are usually upset when you interupt their dinner. The concept is simple; think of your first date. You dress up and you look sharp, just to impress your date. You make small talk to get to know your date. And if you both have common interests, you make another date and the relationship begins. That is the key. The big secret. Build lasting relationships, and your bread and butter customers will stay with you. And the best part is you attracted the prospect to you instead of chasing them away.

Want a home-based business but hate talking to people? There are many systems out there you can plug into and Ive tried most all of them. The one Ive found to help me build my future without me having to talk to people initially and sell to them is in WealthMastersClub7. If that is what you are looking for we are glad to have you. Good luck in your buisness ventures and God Bless!

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