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Where Does Marketing Yourself Begin?

Where Does Marketing Yourself Begin?
Where Does Marketing Yourself Begin?

Marketing yourself begins well before writing your cover letter, polishing your resume, or preparing for a job interview. Marketing yourself starts the moment you make a serious decision on what job or career you want. It is a difficult, lifelong process that determines either your success or your failure. As such, it is very important to know when and how this process begins.

To demonstrate the main point of this article, let's use product marketing as an analogy to marketing yourself. Marketing means getting a product or service to market. A new product, for instance, begins at research and testing to identify the target market's needs. A successful product satisfies such needs so that when it reaches the market, sales or conversion can occur. The marketing process continues throughout the product's life cycle. This process is fundamentally similar to how you market yourself.

Often, people research the job market for positions that are interesting or essential to them. Students consult their career counselors while others refer directly to hiring postings and so on. The important point at this stage is identifying your target job or career and then learning what skills are needed to attain it.

Once you identify the needs of your line of work, the process of acquiring the necessary skills follows. You may seek higher education in universities or trade schools while other individuals may prefer gaining experience through internships or entry-level positions. However, there are those who are blessed enough to have the talent and skills, hence, making them easily available for any work requiring the same. The main goal in this phase is gaining the skills and knowledge the market needs.

After acquiring the things needed for the chosen job or career, you are now ready to enter your target job market. Just as successful products address certain needs, so should an individual. In addition, due to fierce competition, exceptionality is a plus. This is where branding comes in handy.

Marketing is a continuous process. Even if you have successfully made a career, you constantly need to assess yourself and the market for opportunities. This is exactly why many individuals go on to further studies, training, or experience.

Marketing yourself is a far-reaching process going well beyond just the job application. In this respect, marketability is the same as employability. No matter where you are in your marketing process, always keep in mind the needs of your target market.

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